All I Want - |Larry Stylinson|

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Harry is always filming Louis. Louis pretends he doesn't love all the attention. 


"Are you filming?" 


"Harry, I swear to god, if you are I'm gonna-" 

 "I'm not, I'm not! I swear on my nana." 

"Your nana? Harry-" 

"C'mon out, Lou, you look so beautiful." 



An exasperated sigh. A cheeky smirk wavered on the corners of Harry's mouth and he trailed his fingers over the edge of his camera, waiting. The unlocking click of the door had him rolling his tongue over his lips, positioning his camera so he could get a clear view of the door. 

Slowly, the door cracked and a wary eye peeked through it's crevasse. The eye, Louis' eye, widened and a loud voice resonated through the door as it slammed once again, "You are filming, you tit!" 

" 'M not, I swear," Told Harry laughingly, a full smile blowing over his cheeks as he struggled to contain laughter. "Come out." 

"No." The insitant answer. "I look ridiculous."  

"Louis," Harry muttered wryly. "Don't make me break down this door." 


"Open it." 



Another exasperated sigh. And before Harry was prepared, the door was flung open and Louis stood there, hands on his hips and eyebrows perched high on his foreheadA triumphant smirk rose on Harry's lips as he trailed the camera up and down Louis' form. 

"Excuse me, eyes are up here you twat," Louis scoffed, raising his hand to smash it at Harry's camera laughingly.  Harry giggled, pulling his camera to his chest, hiding it from Louis' swatting hands as the older man flaunted down the hallway. 

He quickly pulled it from under his arm, made sure it was still recording, and taped Louis, following him as the lad tugged at his jean jacket that layered over his red shirt,  staring at himself in the mirror. "Are you sure this doesn't make me look fat?" 

Harry sighed, rolling his eyes as he did a simple shake of the head. "You look fine." He edged his camera closer and closer until it was on the brink of brushing against Louis' cheek. He sniggered to himself,  laughter spilling from his lips. 

"Harry, get the camera away from me," Louis attempted at being agressive but failed when a helpless laugh interrupted his last few words. Harry chewed on his lip. This was pure gold.  

"I can't help it, Lou, you're just so sexy-" 

"Don't even start you idiot," Louis laughed, swatting at Harry again as he took off towards the front door, barely managing to shove his socked feet into his shoes. Out of habit, the curly haired boy followed after him, camera in hand. 

“You’re hopeless, aren’t you?” Louis sniggered, trying to drag Harry back down the hall again even as his own laughter threatened to double him over.  "Turn the camera off!" 

"It is off!" 

"You're such a liar." 

" 'M not lying, I swear," Harry chuckled, lowering his eyes to the screen of his camera, watching Louis give him a wry look.   

"Prove it to me, dunderhead. Here, give it to me-" 


Harry let out a stuttered noise of disapproval as his camera was pulled from his grasp. Louis laughed heartily as he raised the camera back up again, pointing it at Harry. "Say hello, Harry!" 

"No, stop," Harry moaned, hiding his face with his sleeved hands. His curls sprung out over his cheeks as he did so, and it made Louis smile at his tall, yet adorable form. "Okay, okay, I'll put it away, give it!" 

"Nuhuh," Louis said, his grip tightening on the camera as Harry made a lunge for it, hands only managing to swipe at Louis' chest. "Come and get it then, curly!" He shouted before taking off down the hall and out the front door. 

Harry immediately broke out into a sprint after Louis, ignoring the bitter cold sting of the outside wind that bit into his skin.  As Louis ran down the road, Harry's camera still in hand, he turned it around so he was filming Harry's helpless grin as he chased after him. 

"You're gonna pay for this!" 

"We'll see if you can even manage to catch me first!" 

Harry's urging for his camera became steadily more obscene as they ran, until he was sniggering little more than insults at Louis. That is, until Louis turned a corner, disappearing from Harry's sight. Harry smirked, trying to calm the deep breaths that heaved through his lungs. Hands placed on his knees, he bent over and looked up at the alleyway Louis had vanished from. It was dead quiet. 

"Louis?" Harry whispered, straightening up and swallowing hard. "Louis, are you here?" 


"C'mon, this isn't funny, come out," Harry whined. 


Harry chewed on his lower lip, immersing himself further into the dark-ish alleyway. "..Lou?" He whispered, freezing as a noise behind him sent a ripple of fear into him.   And suddenly, before Harry had a chance to re-coop and turn to face the noise, a cold hand jumped at his neck, sending a shiver down his spine and a scream up his throat. 

Harry shrieked as he turned, recoiling in horror from - Louis? 

Louis stood there, bending over in silent laughter as he tried so desperately to keep the camera steady through his shaking laughs. "Oh, haha, oh that, t-that was priceless!" Louis exclaimed through tears, swiping at his eyes as his laughs died into small chuckles. 

Harry's hand was pressed hard over his rapidly beating heart, his blown eyes squinting at Louis with a newfound confusion. 

"You numbskull! I could've died!" 

"Right," Louis sniggered. 

"I could've! You..You could've given me a heart attack!" 

A look of fake guilt plastered itself onto Louis' smug face as he edge closer, camera now steadily rolling on the curly haired boy, still frightened by the ordeal.  "Come here, then." 

Louis dropped the camera to his side. He strode up until he was merely inches away from Harry's face, sending butterflies fluttering into his stomach. Louis tilted Harry's chin, pulling it down to meet his gaze. 

Harry's green eyes flickered to meet the blue, taking in his face, taking in everything that made Louis whom he was, everything that made him perfect. His lips spreaded into a uncontrollable smile when he saw the crinkles form on the ends of Louis' eyes, and he wants to look into them forever.

But he didnt, his eyes moved to his lips, and all he could think of at that moment was that he would give anything, everything to kiss him 

And so Harry leaned forward and crashed his lips against his. 

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