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"No, you're coming in with me," Harry says, grabbing my hand. He tugs and I stay on my porch, not wanting to get into his car.

"Claire, I swear to God," he says, my lips smirking. He's getting frustrated and it's funny to watch, his eyebrows furrowed and lips in a thin line.

"Fine, two can play at this," he says, quickly leaning down. He throws me over his shoulder and I roll my eyes, his body walking towards his car.

"You're a piece of shit," I say, his arms setting me in his passenger's seat. He smiles and closes the door, locking it until he's on his side.

"I am not letting you go. Not tonight," he says, my eyes taking him in. He's got his hair down, a button-up on but barely buttoned, and jean shorts. I'm wearing a white V-neck and short jean shorts, my hair down.

"You're irritating," I say, his hand setting on my thigh.

"Yeah, but you weren't saying that this morning," he grins, my eyes rolling. But this morning was the most intense orgasm I ever experienced.

"Fuck you," I say, his hand squeezing my thigh. He drives for a while, the windows down and the warm air blowing through my hair.

"I'll take care of you," he says, my head turning to look at him.

"Doesn't mean shit to me. I don't want you that way," I remind him, his sigh heard.

"I can you make me feel so much despite the resistance? I don't get it," he says, my hand removing his from my thigh.

"You don't have to get it. Just don't think about it," I say, his hand grabbing mine. It makes me frown.

"When can you just realize we were meant for each other?" he cheekily smiles before holding in a laugh.

"You're a fucking psycho," I say, his hand bring mine up to his face. He kisses the back of my hand and I pull my hand away, his chuckle echoed through the car.

"You were the first girl I liked. I made fun of you because I had a huge crush on you. And you were a nerd back then. What the fuck happened?" he asks, my eyebrows frowning.

"I had sex. That's what happened," I say, his hand grabbing mine again. His hand is warm and his skin is soft. If it were otherwise, I wouldn't let him touch me.

"I missed you. As sad as it is, I cried like a baby when you left," he recalls, my lips curving.

"I always knew you were a bitch," I say, making both of us laugh.

He stops the car in front of a restaurant and he rushes to my side, opening the door. We walk into the building and he grabs my hand, the two of us seated at a table together.

I look over the menu and Harry keeps his eyes on me, my eyes looking past him to see someone looking at me. He grins and I see the dimples, my eyes immediately recognizing him.

"I knew it was you," I say, getting up. He stands and I walk over to him, his body standing up. My arms wrap around his neck and he hugs me close, my lips curving.

"God you look amazing Claire," Keo says, my body staying in his arms.

"How's Hank?" I ask, our fathers close. Hank was more of a father to me than mine ever was.

"He's good. But can we talk about how hot you are?" he grins, making me laugh.

"No, because she's with me," Harry interrupts, grabbing my hand and pulling me into him.

"Get off me," I groan, Harry frowning.

"Sorry, Keo. This dickhead doesn't understand my damn space," I state, Harry clearly growing angered and jealous.

Harry starts to drag me towards the door, the force he's using irritating.

"Harry, fuck off," I groan, his hands grabbing my wrists and forcing me to look at him.

"What the actual fuck?" he grumbles, looking into my eyes. "I'm trying so fucking hard and you just leap into that guy's arms? Are you fucking kidding me?"

"I've told you Harry. I don't want to be your damn girlfriend. Find someone else," I say, his head shaking.

"That's your problem! You're so full of shit you think we'll actually get together!" I shake my head, trying to get out of here.

"Get the fuck away from me," I say, his arms wrapping around me. He keeps me locked against his body and I find myself torn on whether I like this feeling or not. He's fucked my mind so badly.

"I hate that you hate me! Just stop and give me a damn chance," he says into my ear, his arms holding me to him.

I stop moving and he buries his face in his neck, kissing my skin. My eyes close, the warm air and Harry's body felt.

"I want to show you how good I am for you," he whispers, my hands setting over his before trying to get him to move.

"I can be anything you want me to be, just give me a fucking chance," he says, my body turning around to face him.

He grabs my cheeks and our eyes lock, his focus on me and not wavering. "I hate that you try so hard," I say, not used to boys being that way. I went for the idiots who were good in bed and that was it, but Harry is persistent.

He smiles and he moves to wrap his arms around my waist, hugging me. I slowly wrap my arms around his neck and he lifts me up, spinning me around. I start to laugh at how he reacts to anything I do with him, his arms strongly holding onto me.

He sets me down and he cups my ass lightly, my eyes rolling. But we're both smiling, looking at each other. As much as I want to hate Harry, I don't think I can. He's too good for me, but maybe that's what I need.

I grab his cheeks and pull his head down, kissing his pink lips softly. There isn't a need to rush the kiss and he holds onto my waist, my eyes closing.

His hands hold my waist and he kisses me back, my nose brushing his when I pull away. I bite my lower lip and look up at him, his curls blowing in the wind and giving him an even more attractive look.

"Come home with me. Right now," he says, my hand moving down and feeling the length of his chest.

"I don't know, Tarzan," I say, my fingers hooking into his belt loops. "Can you handle it?"


Hey Loves!


Much Love! <3 xoxo

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