Change of Destiny Chapter 1

Start from the beginning

"M mm... a new substitute for Ore-Sama. "Laito appeared.
 "Reji asked what the commotion was and wanted me to investigate. Mfu, ne ne Ayato. You already have claim on the little bitch... that girl looks tasty, she must be the one shooting mystery solved. She will do nicely for the rest of us."
Subaru appeared to say.

"Tsk, you pervert."

                                                            Yuki's Pov

I have shot the last of them. In the distance more moaning.

Time to get out of here, they may be far away, but I am not taking any chances.

I tuck my pistol away securing and scaled the wall, making it to the top and vaulted myself down landing in a crouch once my booted feet touched the ground on the other side. There was no walkers only dying vegetation and shrubbery including trees. It wasn't a house or cottage but a medieval looking mansion with a gargoyle water fountain turned off. There were boarded windows without glass no doubt it would provide excellent protection against unwanted intruders.
But there was no time to admire the protection details.

I slouched at a run to the front entrance and tugged only to find the door locked.

I will have to go around to the back and find another way in, even if I must scale up to a window.

Slouching again as I went around the side until I reached a back courtyard.

That's a lot of balconies.

I chose one at random catching my breath while withdrawing my machete as I took a few steps back, timing carefully and then I ran, jumping as I swung my machete, using it as a climbing tool to scale the wall, putting my booted feet securing a firm foothold so I would not slip and plummet to my impediment death.

After fifteen minutes I finally got safely on the balcony and managed to get myself in; it must of been a feminine girl room because the pillow and bed quilt was pink. On a four poster bed with bed frames decorated with lavender material, a sock drawer was close to me. But, no time to explore the room. I left it entering a hallway, a little dark but I could see fine.

I walked down, being careful not to alert any residents that may be here. Glare burning into my back. I felt like I'm being watched. There shouldn't be anyone here, but something like a hunch tells me there was.

Suddenly something grabbed hold of my arm, and yanked hard a little too roughly into a room, I landed on my bottom. As I got to my feet when I realized there were twelve hot guys surrounding me.                                                       


" Why did you break into the mansion?" Asked the one with the glasses, red eyes examining me.
I spoke coldly not trusting them. " That, is none of your business." I reply in a sharp tone back to him. A blonde with curly hair and sky-blue eyes, the right eye turned red: unusual.

"You ran out of food and planned to raid the mansion, didn't you SM Neko - chan. " He guessed right.  "Fine, I was indeed going to raid the mansion for food supplies, if you don't mind, I will be leaving. Those walkers can be quite nasty. "

I bumped into the tall one who had abruptly blocked the door.

"Your not going anywhere, Sow."

Did he just call me a pig?!

He grabbed me by the throat and lifted me up to his level. I kept emotionless and slashed his stomach with my trusty machete only creating a shallow cut and he dropped me cursing as I landed nearly coughing into my hand before I rubbed my sore throat until it didn't sting.

"What's that blood on you from?" The one with the glasses asked curiously, I wiped some blood off my forehead with the back of my sleeve, tucking away the machete. "Walker blood." It was the only way to shorten the explanation.

The red head with the green eyes and attitude asked. " What's a walker? " he honestly didn't know what a walker was.

"Really? None of you know what a walker is. You really do not know what is going on outside these gates do you? The walking dead are zombies, people call them walkers. I am covered in their blood because surprisingly enough it masks my scent from them. How they came to be that way... it is highly none if your business. The apocalypse, know what is?" I explain knowing by just glancing they were listening to every word. I only shared little intel about the walkers, no more.

One of the others, a raven hair young man with steel blue-grey eyes who was the sort of person that screamed smart guy. "We know what the apocalypse is, livestock." Livestock is a lot lower than a sow. As I looked, I had a feeling I've seen him before, he looked oddly familiar, so did the others but I lowered my eyes keeping my face expression emotionless so I wouldn't let on anything.

"Why don't we make a deal, shall we say we have a lot more food than wherever you were last, but in return you give us something." There was a catch to this, this something than what he was letting on.

"What is this something?" I ask wording carefully and the red head replied.



End of Chapter 1


Word Count: 1,497

| Copyright| ©2017 Fanficwriter01

Update: October 9, 2017

Last Updated: June 11, 2020

Recent update: June 15, 2020
Edit: 12th Jan 2023

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