"Fuck." Ashlynn hissed through gritted teeth. "Fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck-FUCK." She pounded her fist down onto the counter, causing the blue dishes and wooden picture frames to wobble.

Ash's first instinct was to get something to drink- something very strong to drink- and forget the little voice in the back of her head. Problems with that included:
1. She had a work call later that evening.
2. Her girlfriend was coming over and would probably get upset with her.
Ash hated upsetting her girlfriend.

Ash focused hard on that list and walked out of the kitchen (which was now just known as 'The-Place-Where-I-Keep-Alcohol") to plop down in the den. She rubbed her face and looked at the clock, before realizing she had no idea when Rosie would be over and she would probably just show up at some point.

Right on cue, there was a knock at the door.

Ash went to get the door. "Hey baby," she said, leaning down to kiss Rosie (who was much smaller than her).

"Hello," Rosie looked up at her with a shy smile.

Rosie was very short- 5'4 to Ash's 6'0. In fact, she was just very small in general, and had a thing for pastel colors. She was cheerful and sweet, and definitely made Ash forget her problems in a much healthier way than alcohol.

Ash on the other hand, was very tall. She had tattoos on her back and ankles and always had perfect make up. She wore darker colors, and had an aura that told you to steer clear.

"Y'know Rosie, I gave you the key so you can come in when you want. I'm literally the only one who lives hear, you don't have to knock any more." Ash shut the door behind her. Rosie sighed.

"I'd feel bad just- barging in." She mumbled.

"You almost live here sweetheart. I don't mind."

"Well I do."

"Did you have dinner yet?" Ash changed the topic. Rosie shook her head.

"I left food here last time," she said, walking to the kitchen and opening up the fridge. Ash sat back down in the den.

"Ashlynn?" Rosie called a second later.


"There's a lot of alcohol in there." Rosie came walking out with her food. "Like- a lot." Ash looked up to see Rosie holding her dinner and slightly shaking in her hands.

"I- I haven't drank most of it..." Ash trailed off. "You know it's going to take me awhile to get over this babe." Ash sighed.

Rosie nodded and sat down next to her on the couch, curling up and unwrapping her food. "You can get better. I know you can."

Ash looked down at the small girl curled up into her side. She wanted to say that Rosie was right. She really did. But she wasn't so sure. Rosie didn't even know the full story- she thought it was just an alcohol problem. She didn't know about the anger issues- or the voices that screamed in her head.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2016 ⏰

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