Hey Brother - Deanna Winchester

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1.) Dean's full name was Deanna Jane Winchester.

2.) As far as she was concerned, the world could set it's self on fire and she wouldn't give a fuck. She's seen too much to care anymore.

3.) Despite all rumors, Dean doesn't mind Adam too much. She's always had a soft spot for family, no matter how pissed they are at each other.

4.) Bobby was more of a father to her than John Winchester could ever be.

5.) Sammy better stop acting like a fucking asshole, because she swears to Heaven, Hell, and all in between, that if he bitches one more fucking time, she's going to shank his ass.

6.) When the Apocalypse started up, and Sammy released Lucifer, Dean had to force herself to be angry, and not to hug him to death for just being alright.

7.) Despite how much he protests, Dean will always think of Sam as Sammy, the pouting five year old who looked at the world with so much wonder.

8.)Dean knew that if she thought of how Sammy pretty much despised her with everything he had, how Dad was gone and would most likely never come back, how she felt the weight of the world upon cracking shoulders, she would break. It was times like these when she sympathized with Michael.

9.) Sammy was one of the only two people on the planet that she cared for anymore, Hell or no Hell.

10.) When Dean was 10 she decided to fake a smile, if it would make Sammy a bit happier. She hasn't taken off the mask yet.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2016 ⏰

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