"I don't want you to leave." Caesar pleaded

Nala hiccuped at his words, trying. To contain her sadness

"I know."


Huey and Jazmine held hands as they walked to class.  As they walked they passed a flyer. Jazmine stopped and let go of Hueys hand.

"What's wrong?"

"The cheerleading auditions is today at three! Omg I need to practice!" She screeched.

"Okay okay. Come on we are going to be late."

"Huey! Will you help me?"

He groaned

"Plleewaaaassseeeeeeeeeee!!!" She whined dramatically clinging onto him

"Okay okay! Get off." He breathed, shaking her off him.

She chuckled and saw another flyer.



"You want to try out for the Mock Trial Team?" She asked taking the mock trial flyer. It's today at 5.

Huey took the flyer and carefully examined it.

"No." He said as he turned around and began walking.

"What?? Why not?!" Jazmine asked following him.

"I don't want to be a lawyer." He said plainly crumbling the poster.

"Huey, you'll make a great lawyer." Jazmine assured giving him a wink.

"You realize your father is a lawyer right?" Huey questioned raising his eyebrow a bit.

Jazmine groaned. "You're right. Nevermind."

Huey smirked at her quirkiness and stepped foot into the classroom.

"Class will begin in five minutes." The professor stated calling out to everyone who were already in their seats. She was a woman. A beautiful woman with long blonde hair. Green eyes with smaller shaped lips. They had smack red lipstick on them with red pumps to match. As she sees in Afro walk in...her eyebrow quirks up.

Huey and Jazmine walk in and immediately they get stares from all sides, corners, and surfaces of the room. Huey scowls and tightens his grip on Jazmine and pulls her close to him. Jazmine catches a guy staring at her and licking his lips.

"Hey! Can't you see I'm with someone?" Jazmine asked, scowling at him. The guy rolled his eyes, until he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around to see an Afro boy with folded arms.

"Do we have a problem?" He asked, calmly

The guy huffed.

"Whatever man. I don't want that slut you call a girlfriend."

Huey quickly pushed him to the ground. Students stood alarmed from their desks and the professor quickly jumped between them. "Stop it right now or I will have you both expelled from this school!"

A Boondocks Love Story (All Grown Up!)Where stories live. Discover now