Chapter #2

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Okay people sence you asked for it and I did get the 10 votes I asked for....

Here it is, short and shitty, cause I dont know how to write, but here.

Oh! can I have at least 10 comments and 5 votes? Come on I know you can do it! But only if you actualy like this. c(x


"dude! stop that!" bryan exclaimed giving me a creeped out look.

It was lunch and we where hanging out in the schools courtyard at our usual spot near The Tree, you know? that tree everyone wanted to sit at? yep That tree.

"stop what?" I asked wincing and rubbing my ass.

"stop groping yourself in public places man, its sick" he said scrunching up his nose, "especially sense some of us are trying to eat," he added stuffing his face with loads of frys

"well hit hurts dude! all because of Will" I said and regreted it once I had said it

"you had a wild night yeasterday bro?" he asked and laughed out loud in that funny way of his, where he snorts and wheezes alot, and Lizz joined in.

I scowled, "fuck you fry," I retorted useing his nickname which he had for obviouse reasons earned

the idiot had the nerve to chuckle.

"you would like that," he said smirking

my scowl deepend

"im sorry to say but im taken mate," he said nuzzling his head in lizz's neck making her giggle and made me gag

"someones been sucking lemons," John said arriving with his bimbo of the day

"shut up" I muttered to lazy to respond with a good comeback

"he's been like that all day sence he bumped with that Will kid in 2 period" lizz piped up from her corner

I glared at her but she just smiled cheekily at me

John fake gasped,." No! Miles? ditching class? Never!" he said in mock horror causing everybody to laugh

I just rolled my eyes at them, "you guys are real mature" I told them

"more than you will ever be" lizz said which made them start laughing again

"haha veary funny" I said sarcastically

"so tell me" John said suddenly seriously, "how does this will guy look like? Is he a good match for our Miles?" he asked

"well..." Lizz started, "i havent seen him," she said shrugging her shoulders, "you babe?" She asked Bryan

Bryan put on a thinking face and started in a high pitch girly voice which made us crack up, " oh he's such a dream," he said batting his eyelashes for effect, "he has blonish hair, the most adorable big blueish greyish eyes, a smile to die for and a drool worthy body," he finished fanning his face and made us crack up laughing even more.


"well I think he may be allowed to go out with our Miles" john said reaching a conclusion

"we agree" said bryan and Lizz

"stop talking like im not here people" I called out but they just ignored me

"come on we all know you liked him" said bryan polishing off his burger now that the discussion was over

"i do not!" I said indignified

John snorted, "if you didnt you wouldnt be whining about him right now"

"you know i'v seen Will. and he Is kind of cute and he seems nice" John's bimbo said out of no-where

Everyone went silent waiting for Johns reaction, no one, not one of all of John's bimbos, for an unknown reason to us was allowed to speak when she was at The Tree.

"woman...shut up! no one asked for your opinion" John said glaring at her while we just stared at the unfolding drama, "i thought I made it perfectly clear before we came that your job was to stay quiet and just look pretty. Did I not say that?" he growled at the petite girl who started shaking like a leaf.

"y yes" she whimpered

"you know what?" he said fruturated, "i dont want to see you right now"

She just gave him a puzzled look, "leave!" he growled and we watched as she scurried away

John heaved a huge sigh, "i'll see you guys later" he said before he too walked away

"well" Lizz said after a few minutes of silence, "that was strange" bryan and I nodded and continued eating

"hey! why dont we invite Will to eat with us?" Bryan suddenly said pointing behind me which made me turn around

Will was standing at the end of the coutyard glancing around awkwardly until I locked eyes with him

"watever" I grunted turning back around and continued eating my food while lizz just rolled her eyes at me

"YO! MAN! COME SIT WITH US!" Bryan yelled across the courtyard making me cringe

Seconds later a felt a presence behind me, "sit down dude I aint guna bite you" I told him When he just stood behind annoyingly close radiating warmth towards me.

A minute later I heard shuffling and felt him sit next to me.

I sighed and leaned on The Tree's trunk shoving my earphones in and closing my eyes listening to "saving me" from nickleback trying to ignore the hot dude just inches away.

I felt someone staring at me and cracked an eye open to find two blue-gray ones staring back.

'what' I mouthed at Will when he didnt look away, which made him look away 'wierd kid' I thought to myself'

Have you ever slept and woken up to the feeling of falling?

Did that even make sense? No?

Well anyway thats what I felt and woke up with a jolt.

"what?" I asked looking up at Will who was standing before me

"you fell asleep" he said extending his hand to help me up, " the bell rung"

"where is everybody?" I asked when I was standing next to him

"they left" he said simply

"they did? Bastards" I grumbled and he chuckled, "what are you laughing at?" I asked him

"nothing" he stated as we started walking to class

"thats what I thought" I said

After that we just walked while he looked as if he was pondering something and I started rapping or trying to rap anyway to eminem's 'not afraid' which was on my ipod

as we reached my classroom though I took out my earphones and turned off my ipod cause they already had my phone and no way were they taking away my ipod too, by they I ment the teachers.

Just when I was about to walk in he threw a bomb at me, "go out with me?" he asked making me trip and wack my head hard on the door's door nob.

'what is up with me and doors today?' I asked myself as I slipped into lala land....

I wouldnt be dissapointed if nobody likes this its a load of crap. c(x

Laters :)

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