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Emily Schworksporknilshipest POV
Hallooooooo, my nayme is Emily Schworksporknilshipesttitsicus and I am the descendant of Shrek. I live in da swamp with Donkeh and Feeyonahhhhh and pikachu(my main bitch). I have sageehtits sindrome which is a very rare disease lads where you get ur tits stuck in de drain 24/7. Iyme a 7 year old gurl obsessed with Jacoob saggehtits.his m.u.s.i.c.a.l.l.y.s are my life. Sadly I am still a virgin, but fingers crossed Jacob Saggs will take it from me. I am Dan trash #7, and I'm an emo gurl XDDDDDDDD. I listen to arctic monkeys amd 5sos, #Edgyasfrick (not allowed to say big people words) Oops lol I gtg Rawr nuzzle nuzzle XD it is my bedtime (6:30pm).

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