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Chapter 3

Cindy's P.O.V

My alarm wake me up. Another boring day to get ready for. I hate school. I can't wait to leave. I shower and got dress in a mini skirt and a topless blouse, along with my heels. I pin a big bow in my hair, applied some lipstick and went down for my breakfast. At school, I was known as the 'popular hottie'. I was loved. I wasn't a bully. I was just known, due to the work of my mother and our richness. I finished my breakfast and went outside to my mark x vehicle. I started to school.  I arrive at school and sighed. I got out of my car. I passed a group of boys that said things like, "damn", "wow", "Jesus", "psst". All this got very annoying because it happens everyday. Ugh. I opened my locker and fetched my Geography books.
"Hey". A familiar voice said. I turned around to see my ex boyfriend.

"Hi.. how are you?" I asked. We broke up a year ago, we're just friends right now.

"I'm good, you?"


The day quickly flew by and school was finished for the day. I closed my locker, turned around face to face with my friend, Jace. He was a cool guy, and also attractive, but I didn't have a crush on him.

"Hey". I said offering a smile.

"Hey Cind, I was going to ask you something."

"Sure, go ahead".

"Would you go on a date with me on Saturday night?" He asked. I wasn't shocked, nor was I nervous. I'm completely use to guys asking Me out.

"Sure. No problem". I said.

"Really? Wow cool. Thanks". I laughed and said,

"No big deal. Pick Me up at 8. Here's my address card".
He smiled and walked away. Today was Thursday. I can't wait for weekend to rest. Ugh! School school school..Burn in Hell...oops...

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