Her Sad Eyes

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With her lonely smile & sad eyes,

She seemed to always, always cry.

No matter where, when or how,

She always dropped to the ground.

She would yell and scream "i hate my life",

And say she wants to die.

Because some boy broke her heart,

But right now hes all fine.

He never realize how much pain,

He put her through.

Because really it was all her fault,

And the voices in her head even said it too.

And as she sat there on that floor,

Not wanting to leave.

That lonely smile and sad eyes,

Seemed to start to cry

She took her life because of you,

And maybe you wanted her too.

With note to you next to her

As she lay there dead for sure

You started to read as it began

"To the man who said he loved me, we both know thats a lie, you replaced me with that girl, who said your too fine. I regret not calling when you needed me most, i guess your new girl is sort of this host. I took my life because of you, and your little friends, so to this day, i love you so, but now its the end. Sincerely the girl who loved you most, ____________."

Tears rushed to his face

Like he was sprayed with mace

He saw the blood and bullet beside

Then he cried and cried and cried

He noticed her wrists full of cuts

With a pen marking across

It read  "time of death, 6:32 pm"

Oh gosh you couldn't have seen him

That time was when they became a couple on September, 7, 2015.

He sat there frozen, helplessly.

Watching her body pass away

And he realized he still loved that girl to this day..

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2016 ⏰

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