"There she is." 

The rest of lunch, I remain in silence as I try to think of how I can get Finn back. 

------- ------- -------- ------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ---- 

After lunch, I walk to French class with Ray, who fills me in on his new crush. 

Apparently the boy does have a brain, and he looks good. He is an exchange student from France with cute butt, according to Ray. 

"Oh Jessie, if you could see him. He is like the most angelic thing in the world. Oh and that accent! It's so hot. I swear I could have melted into the floor after he spoke to me."

I laugh and shake my head. 

"Aw Ray, my baby is growing up so fast. It seems like just yesterday you asked me what a vagina was." 

I look back fondly. He was innocent once, but now he just glares at me. 

"I thought we agreed we would never bring that up until the conversation called for it." 

"The conversation did call for it, darling." 

Ray takes a swing at my arm, but I dodge it by entering the classroom. 

The French room is the same as it was for the past three years. The tiles were a mundane gray with cinderblock walls. Cork-boards covers three of the walls and a white board covers the other. Madame Auclair tries so hard to brighten the room with posters to "boost the intellectual mind", but she just ends up making the room feel even smaller than it actually was. 

"Bonjour Madame." 

Madame Auclair turns to me as I start to walk to the back of the room. 

"No no mademoiselle, ze chart iz where you will be seated."

I look up to the ceiling. 

Please universe, you already damned me once, please don't do it again.

I walk up to the white board and stand next to Ray. He turns a bright pink. 

"What is it?"

 I say curiously and look for his name. He is seated next to a Jean Bellin. 

"Who is---" 

As I look for Jean the mystery man, a familiar face pops into the classroom and I internally groan. 

Why me? 

Finn catches me looking at him and obviously screaming inside my head and seems to think I was looking for HIM. 

"Hey Ariel. How was the water?" 

He smirks. 

Oh, how I would love to slap that stupid smirk right off his stupid face. 

"Ariel? Really?" 

Finn just chuckled, shaking his head and making me feel like a little kid. 

I roll my eyes and say a silent prayer. Please, universe, please. 

I look at the seating chart again and I spot my name next to a girl I don't recognize. 

Thank God 

I walk over to the girl and sit down next to her. She has curly red hair. She also has really pale skin with freckles. Her head is stuck in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. 

I smile. 

Madame Auclair brings the class to attention and passes out the syllabi. She tells us to get to know our partners. I turn to the girl. 

"Hi, I'm Jess." 

The girl lifts her head and turns to me. 

"Hi, I'm Willow." 

Willow and I proceed to have a lovely conversation until Mr. Bad Boy decides to show up. 

"Hey Princess."

I roll my eyes and turn towards him. He is leaning on my book and I get an idea. 

"Hi Finny. How's your girlfriend?" 

I say, in the most girlish and annoying voice possible. He groans and rolls his eyes. 

"Zoe isn't my girlfriend and if I didn't know any better I would say that you were jealous."

I gasp aloud. 


"Why the hell would I be jealous?" 

He smirks because he knows he caught me off guard. 

"Oh you know, that crush you've had on me since like the 5th grade. Don't remember Princess?" 

I roll my eyes and i push the stack of books underneath Finn's hand. He falls chin first into the desk. 

"I don't know Finny, from the looks of it, you're the one falling for me." 

He glares at me as he gets up. 

"You wish Ariel."

 He stalks back to his desk and I laugh at his back. 

Jess-2 Finn-1. 

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TADAAAA! Look at what a terrible author I am. I am so sorry to keep you waiting for a chapter 4. I'm terrible. I truly am. 

Thank you so much for all of your comments and messages, they meant a lot. I feel really bad because I totally wrote this a long time ago and just forgot about it and I am so sorry 

I am all better now, I promise. 

Thank you for sticking around for this. 

Babysitting the Bad BoyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora