How's Things in Ruzek-land?

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Life was good for Kim Ruzek, she had it all.

The man of her dreams, three healthy and beautiful children, she was lucky enough to be a stay at home mom and loved every minute of it.

The road to marriage had been rocky and for awhile she didn't think it would happen for her and Adam.

She had called off their engagement and within a few weeks had lost her mind, as Adam likes to call it and started a very brief relationship with Sean Roman. As quickly as it had come on was as quickly as it fizzled, though the damage had been done.

Adam was devastated over the brief relationship and she spent months trying to repair the damage she had caused. It wasn't until she had been in a car accident and all that Adam had heard was that there had been a fatality, it was an erroneous report but it had scared the shit out of him. Once he found her in the emergency room he had quickly pulled her into his arms, from that day on they'd been inseparable.

Their wedding followed soon after, Kim's pregnancy had prompted it.

It was small and simple...and perfect.

Claire was their first baby, and she had kept them on their toes throughout her toddler years, she was three when Emily arrived.

Adam instantly upgraded his arsenal of guns, joking that he'd never let them out of the house once they became teenagers.

He was an amazing father, he doted on them, they could do no wrong in his eyes. Both girls knew that all too well, and as they grew Adam realized the error of his ways. His girls were spoiled and expected him to cave to their every whim, slowly but surely he was correcting it.

It was an arduous process but he pressed on, Kim wouldn't let him back down. She knew that at eleven and eight they still had time to right the ship so to speak.

Though, she wasn't free from any blame, she too had her weakness. Little Marcus was her kryptonite, he was four years old and the spitting image of Adam. Both the girls seemed to be a perfect combination of them both, but not Marcus he was all Adam.

A mama's boy through and through, Adam often accused her of babying him, but she knew he was their last baby and she wanted to cherish every moment she had with him.

The light knocking on the door pulled her from her thoughts, the door slowly creeped open, "Mommy?" Marcus called out his voice small and she knew right away what was wrong, he'd had yet another nightmare. He'd been having them for months now, they'd started just after Kevin and Adam had been ambushed during a stakeout. Thankfully they both survived, though Kevin had suffered a debilitating injury was still recovering from it.

Kim pulled the covers down, "Come on up" she held her hand out to him, he may have had Adam's looks but he had inherited Kim's short stature, "what is it?" She asked him as he molded his tiny body into her's, he rested his head on her chest.

"Daddy okay?" He asked looking at Adam's empty side of the bed, "I had 'nother dream..a bad guy got him" he clutched his pale blue blanket in his hand, "he died"

Kim felt her heart skip a beat, "Oh, baby..." She kissed the crown of his hair, she could still smell Adam's shampoo in his hair, he insisted on using 'man shampoo' and wouldn't use anything else, she tousled his hair. "Daddy is okay, he called a little while ago..he's just doing his paperwork and then he will be home"

"Promise?" He searched her eyes, he was her worrier and she hated that he seemed to carry the world on his shoulders at four years old.

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