Chapter 2•

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"Jay?"  The two stunned teens said in unison.

"Jay what are you doing out here?" Amber questioned her little brother who less than an hour ago had been sleeping soundly at home.

"I heard you slam the door and I was scared that something happened so I snuck past mum and followed you here," Jason responded weakly.

"How did you make it this far into the woods by yourself? You should've stopped once you saw us come in. It's not a safe place for you to be," Amber continued to press her little brother.

"Like I said, I just followed you guys the entire time. Besides it's just a bunch of trees, how would they hurt me? Also have you ever considered that if it's dangerous for me out here, then it's dangerous for you?" he refuted more confidently this time.

Dang he had a point, Amber admitted to herself, stealing a quick glance at her boyfriend who had relaxed considerably and was now staring at Jay with complete fascination. "Fine. But I'm not letting you walk back home by yourself, so you're staying with us," Amber informed her little brother in defeat.

"Ok," he replied simply.

Now that they knew there was no danger and it was just Jay that had been lurking, the three peacefully continued to venture deeper into the woods. 

It was some time later that the feeling of unease started to settle over the three again. No one wanted to mention anything in case they were just being paranoid, but Jason decided to speak up when he thought he had seen something.

"Uh guys wait up a second," Jason urged.

"Jay what is it?" Derek questioned, as he grabbed Amber's wrist to stop her from continuing.

"I just, I thought I saw something, someone," he stressed "over there." He motioned behind him.

"What? Where? I don't see anything Jay," Amber chimed in irritated that she had been stopped yet again.

"Well I just thought I shou-" Jason was cut off by a pale faced Derek choking out "I see it, I see it, oh my God!"

"Where?" Amber demanded being the only one that could see absolutely nothing.

"Wait, did you just say 'it'? I thought Jay said it was a person following us." Amber stammered slightly distraught by where the situation was heading.

"There is definitely something there, but it's no human," Derek recounted, using his finger to point out the direction to Amber.

Amber was about to whine that she still saw nothing until it caught her eye.

There lurking not far back in the shadows stood a figure. Definitely not a human as Derek had suggested, but instead the silhouette of an unnaturally tall and extremely slim figure. Its face wasn't visible as it was being guarded by a hood. It went along with the dark robe like clothing that's bottom half was completely shredded. The last noticeable feature that made every instinct in Amber tell her to run, was that it appeared to be floating.

Trying to remain composed, Amber turned back to the two boys and even though she had no idea where they were or where they were going to go she quickly addressed them "Run, but stick together!"

They all sprinted away from the figure and deeper into the woods looking for a place to hide.


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