Chapter 14

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This the last chappie... I don't really know if it's a good story or what... but still I'm glad someone's reading this... I just hope they've been reading this until the end...

Thanks for those reading this and those who gave their votes :) appreciate it alot whoever you are...

-December 20-

Stefan was standing in front of Amethyst crypt "Happy Birthday, Amy" he said as he place Amethyst favourite flower which is red roses "Stefan!!!" he then heard that particular voice and nickname he was sure that belongs to the certain model. He looks toward to where the model is and found that he is with the rest of their friend "let's celebrate your birthday here, Stefan... with Amy" Jade said "I baked a cake for both of you, Stefan" Wayne said "I just wish she could have tasted my baking, as well" he adds "she will, Wayne..." Stefan said "We surely miss her being around doing crazy things" Neil said "I'm sure Darren misses her most aside from Stefan" Kaison said, smiling "oi what do you mean by that, Kaison?" Darren said "still not aware, I think Stefan" Clay said "then we have the same guesses who it is" Stefan said, smiling "Amethyst will surely be smiling right now" Neil said "she always does" Jade said "but it will surely because Stefan is smiling and we're all here to celebrate their birthday together" Kaison said "hey what does Kaison mean by what he said earlier?" Darren said "why don't you think of it by yourself, Darren?" Jade said, grinning "does that mean, you know it too?" Clay asked "of course... this idiot was easy to read" Jade said "neh? I wonder if I have thought the same things on what are you talking about" Wayne said "is it about Darren, Wayne." Neil asked "yeah" he answered "then you are with us in this conversation, Wayne" Kaison said "Hey!!! What the hell are you talking about?" Darren asked, starting to be pissed to be left in the conversation they were having. His friends decided to ignore his questions and start to celebrate Stefan and Amethyst birthday as they sit a half circle in front of her sepulchre. For those people who have the ability to see what normal people don't, they would be seeing not only 7 people having a good time celebrating but 8... Yes, Amethyst was with them wearing her usual smile while looking at her friends having a good time *it's was a good thing that they had move on pretty fast* she would be thinking that at that time.

After their celebration the group of friends decided to leave the place promising to her that they will be visiting more frequently, maybe after their practice every day. She will always be remembered especially to them. Darren had decided to go back after he had finished having played against random guys in basket ball "hey Amethyst... I came back because I had realized what they were talking about earlier this day... I had fallen for you even I had only known you for such a short period of time, I just couldn't realize it while you were still with us maybe because I thought that it was just the same with Jade... now I had hope that I had realize this sooner but I know you wouldn't want it because you know you're going to leave. While I was playing basketball today, I was thinking of you... I was thinking on how you cheer for us, how supportive you are when we have our matches even in practices..." Darren had paused as he touches Amethyst Gravestone "she's still cheering for you, for the team... Darren" someone had spoken behind him "Stefan... how long have you been there?" Darren asked "I haven't really left, I am just wondering then my feet brought me back here" he had answered "Finally, you had notice it" he adds "how long did you know?" Darren asked "I notice it since you start having arguments with her over silly things but you still can't help but smile after" Stefan said, looking at her grave "and it seems that she does too" he adds "she does, what?" Daiki asked clueless "you really are being dumb about it, Darren" someone had said from his side "GYAAAAH! CLAY SINCE WHEN YOU ARE THERE?!" he yelled "I came here before you, Darren... and don't yell, we're on the cemetery" Clay said "at least you should have said something" Darren said "something" he said "not that" Darren said "you said I should have said something" Clay said, bluntly "I mean like "hey! Darren" or greet, something like that" Darren said "sorry, I forgot" he said but it looks like he doesn't mean it "anyway, she seems to like you too, Daiki..." Stefan said "or maybe she had fallen for you too" Clay said "you think? Then why didn't she say something?" Darren asked "you said so yourself... She knows she's leaving" Stefan said "then she thought what's good was it going to make if she told you? It was a selfish act, yes, but she doesn't want to give a false hope instead... She thought of you, she thought what if you felt the same thing? You will end up pretty broken to know that the person you love will be leaving for good, Darren" Claysaid "in the end she still think of the others than herself" Darren said "I think that's the first thing I love about her, despite of her being so stubborn in everything" he adds "you're as stubborn as she is" Clay said "that's why you get along pretty well" Stefan said "it's really a shame that I didn't even make her feel how much I care and I even said that awful thing" Darren said "it's not true" Stefan said "she had felt it everyday... Even the day you said that to her... she wasn't hurt that much because of those words but she felt that you had cared so much and that you were hurt when she tried to push as away" Clay said "I think you're not the only one who were lucky to have her, Stefan" Darren said "we are all lucky" he adds "indeed" Stefan said "we loved her in every different way" Clay said "it sucks that we have to wait longer to be with her again, though" Darren said "we don't have to hurry... she specifically told me on that letter to wait patiently" Stefan said "eh? Does she think we would do some crazy thing to be with her as soon as possible?" Darren asked "she's thinking like herself doing crazy things, though" Clay said "sounds like her" Stefan said. The 3 friends remained there for a longer period savouring every memory they had gained with their beloved friend.

-15 years later-

The same group of friends were gathered around the same cemetery spot but they were visiting 2 of their friend this time "neh? Do you think Stefan and Amethyst were together now?" Wayne said "I believe so... he finally going to spend lots of time with Amy" Claysaid "it's been few months since Stefan left us as well" Jade said. Stefan had died because of a car accident. He was able to send into the hospital and was able to stay there for a couple of weeks completely into a coma. But he had died eventually because of the complication that had been occurred to him "At least they were together now" Darren said "They were both going to wait for us" Kaison said. They were sad that 2 of their friend had already gone but they were also happy for those 2 that they were able to finally be together again "they weren't going to be separated from each other again" Neil said, pushing his eyeglass up "hey Darren, I heard you still don't have a special someone" Kaison said "you' heard right then" Darren said "Are you still in-love with Amy?" Wayne asked "I still love her, yeah... But I don't really planning on staying single for the rest of my life... It's just that I still don't find the one" Darren explained "he had set Amy as an ideal girl" Jade said "Amethyst was one and only, Darren... you can't compare her to others" Neil said "that's the whole point, I guess. Darren doesn't intend to replace Amy" Clay said. Darren just smiled on his remark which leads them that Clay was right "speaking of someone, Jade when will you going to give that little someone a birth?" Kaison said. Jade had been married to Clay for a year now "oh! This little guy here... I think one day of this week though" Jade said, while holding her swollen abdomen "I'm envy of you" Kaison said "do you want to give birth too, Kaison?" Clayasked, frankly "No... I don't mean that... I was envy of you because you finally going to have a family on your own... Like Neil and Wayne" Kaison said "Why don't you marry your girlfriend?" Wayne asked "getting cold feet, I bet" Darren said "Not that, Darren... We're just both busy" Kaison defend "well, at least propose to her already" Jade said "Maybe I tried that" Kaison said.

-1 week later-

It's been 1 week when they had a little reunion at Amethyst and Stefan's grave when Kaison receive a call from Wayne "Kaison, we're here at the hospital... Jade's currently delivering their baby" he said "really? I'll be there..." Kaison said as he rush out from his room and about to leave the house "Kai, where are you going?" a girl asked from the living room "Jade was currently delivering their 1st baby... I should be there as well..." Kaison said as he went out of the house.

A few hours later Kaison had arrive at Jade's hospital room "How'd it go, Clay?" he asked "the babies currently in the nursery room" Clay said "babies?" Kaison asked, curiously "yeah, we have a twin of a boy and a girl, Kaison" Jade said, smiling "They were cute, Kaison" Wayne said while sucking his lollipop. He still has he's hobby of eating sweets despite of his age "Have you seen it too, Darren?" Kaison asked "yeah, we all did" Darren said "Did you manage to think of a name?" Neil asked "yeah... we had decided to name it after Stefan and Amethyst" Clay said "it's great... in that way it's like they're here with us again... even if they don't look like the same" Kaison said smiling.

-2 week after-

The group of friend gathered again around their friends' grave with an addition to their own children and wife. In Kaison's case his fiancé "Hey guys, we want you to meet our son and daughter Seijuro and Amethyst" Clay said "yes, we named it after you, guys... so it will be like you were here with us again" Jade said "we all have our own family now" Neil said "I'm about to build my own too. I just proposed 3 days ago to my girlfriend" Kaison said "Darren, on the other hand still don't to find a girl who could replace you, Amy" Wayne said "I think you have to say it yourself to Darren" Clay said "Hey! I can find someone... just not now" Darren said "then when? When you are already a hag?" Wayne asked "Shut up, Wayne" Darren said. The group friends laugh as they tease Darren of not having his own girl until now.

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