Chapter 2

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" And then he grabs me by the collar and says that we're even before walking away," Thomas finishes in a mystified voice.

" That ain't right, Damian Di Luna doesn't let people off the hook," Stacy stated as though she were an expert on him or something.

Stacy, Thomas, and I were sitting at our usual lunch table. They were both discussing why Damian hadn't beaten up Thomas while I sat there, staring at the lasagna on my tray. I didn't dare to speak, feeling as though I would spill everything. The chair next to me screeched as Tiffany sat herself down, sighing dramatically.

" Sorry, Mr. M held us back because someone broke a expensive microscope." she said " So watcha all talking about?"

" Damian," Stacy said in a lowered voice as though it were some kind of secret.

Tiffany rolled her eyes, she was probably the few females in school who Damian hadn't gotten to.

" What, did he get arrested again or something?"

" More like he let Thomas keep his face."

Even Tiffany looked surprised. The bell suddenly rang, sounding shrill and making me let out a breath of relief.

" What do you have next?" Stacy asked me and I checked my schedule which I had changed just this morning because of my art class. I honestly had no artistic ability in me, and the class had only caused me pain.

" Anatomy with Davidson," I answered. She snorted " Good luck, he's one tough ass teacher."

Her and Tiffany said their goodbyes before heading to their own class.

" I'll walk you," Thomas smiled at me and I grinned back, his smile was so sweet.

His hand slipped through mine and we both headed to the science department building.

" So I was wondering if you wanted to go to John's after school," he asked me as we stood outside the door. I frowned slightly, shouldering my bag.

" I'm sorry Thomas but I have track, I can't today,"

I could see him trying to keep his smile intact.

" Oh that's fine, maybe some other time."

He bent over to peck me on the lips be before he could, someone interrupted.

" Thomas, hey!" my eyes narrowed at the blonde standing in front of us, it was Lindsey Hill. She was a cheerleader and had a thing for Thomas, something he seemed unaware of. To her, I didn't even exist.

" See you later," I mumbled under my breath but he seemed to have forgotten about me. A pang went through my heart as I thought of how Thomas and I seemed to be drifting apart. Or maybe I was simply being paranoid?.... Trying to get rid of the thoughts I entered the classroom which was already piling up and went to hand my schedule to Mr. Davidson. People said that he was a very strict teacher and even made poor Janet Ming cry.

" Aah, Ms. Martinez," Mr. Davidson said unsmiling.

" Welcome to AP Anatomy. You can go take a seat right over there." he nodded to the table in the back corner. The classroom had lab tables instead of desks, each holding two per table. Nodding, I headed over to where he had pointed and sat on the stool, putting my bag on the top. There didn't seem to be anybody who sat next to me. I gazed around the room, looking for someone who I could actually talk to. So far, there was no one. I was so lost in thought I didn't notice a person taking a seat next to me until I heard them announce, " Fancy seeing you here Martinez." I stiffened recognizing that smooth as silk voice anywhere. I slowly turned around to see Damian seated next to me, amusement distinguishable in his eyes. What was he doing in AP Anatomy?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2016 ⏰

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