Chapter 15: Catching Up

Start from the beginning

"All of these criminals are convicted felons Travis. They don't have any credibility and we do."

"You know Page, if we start bringin' all these people in the Chief's gonna start wondering where we're getting our leads."

"Don't worry about the Chief, Kelly Winston's got him covered." Brandy sounds confident.

Ron trusts her word, "Okay, I'll go follow up with the lab, you get started with the list." Ron tosses his keys to her.

Brandy decides to start with the highlighted names on the list. She figures, she might as well kill two birds with one stone. Brandy travels to the edges of the small town to collect her suspects for questioning. It seems reasonable that she start with the female inmates. The prison is a coed facility, but the males and females are separated and it isn't likely Lynn Holbrook had contact with many of the male population.

Brandy uses her detective status to scare the suspects into cooperating. She gathers two and three suspects at a time and returns with them to the station. The department interrogators will have their hands full today. After several trips back and forth, Brandy calls the Warden.

"Kelly, it's Brandy Page."

"Brandy, so good to hear from you."

"I've rounded up fourteen of the inmates, they're at the station being questioned about the murder of Lynn Holbrook."

"Yes, Harvey just filled me in. That's just terrible."

Brandy thinks to herself, it's not that terrible, but doesn't share the thought.

"Anyways, I have an idea. Since we already have the inmates in custody, why not just have them picked up from the station and returned to prison."

"That's a splendid idea. Harvey said you were good and you just proved it. Fourteen? And on the first amaze me Brandy Page."

Brandy chuckles, "Well, you can thank whoever hacked up Lynn Holbrook. If it wasn't for them, I wouldn't have had a reason to bring them to the station in the first place."

Kelly chuckles too, "If there's one thing I've learned in my years of law enforcement, there are no accidents. There's a reason for everything that happens. Call it fate, luck, chance, whatever...but things always tend to work out for the best."

Brandy ponders what Kelly has shared. Brandy thinks back, putting Kelly's words of wisdom to the test. Throughout all of the years of her life, she can't recall a single time where a situation hadn't worked out in her best interest. Brandy isn't overly religious, but she does believe in a higher power. She feels blessed, as if someone or something has been watching over her for her entire life.

"Brandy...Brandy did you hear me? Brandy?"

Brandy snaps from her day dreams, "Oh, yeah, sorry...I uh...what was the question?"

"Do you want me to send a bus over?" Kelly repeats.

"A bus? Oh yeah, a bus. Yes...yes, please do."

"Okay, you got it, and thanks again Brandy."

Brandy feels satisfied with her accomplishments for the day. After she drops the last batch of inmates off for questioning, she proceeds to find Ron.

Ron looks stressed with his phone to his ear. He is pinching the space between his eyes. Ron has had a busy day and a headache is forming.

"Ma''am...MA'AM? Please, I will do everything I can to help you, I just need you to let me do my job...Thank you...Okay, I will...Okay...yes, ma'am. Alright, yes...Bye."

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