The International Spy

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Chapter I: The get together party

Lexi's POV

Excited. I was excited. I cant believe it. I was in the second year of college, and i was 19 now. And i am excited? God i havent even been excited sin e my first job at seventeen. I am about to go to a sophmore party at the Miami University. Me and my girls from Chi Alpha Mu's were getting ready. You know the whole lipgloss, hair and makeup, fashion show, and all that sorority shizz, well being a rich girl here, you have to act all prissy and pompous and talk in that crap accent.

Like, " Omagawd!!!!!!!!!!!! ".

I know right? Like i said, crap. At least i had some best friends to keep me company. Like Khloe Clark who is the heiress to the Clark Enterprizes, the biggest company around the globe for jewelry, She had blonde hair and blue eyes. Typical all american girl. She is spoilt, but definitely not b*tchy. Thank the bloody Lord for that.

Then there was Alli Ryan, you typical badass rich b*tch. Yup, im talking skateboards, motorcycles, and race cars. Not to mention the whole 'thief' thing. A top thief, but only for the things of good. She loved her bair but it was such a dull cashew colour that she decided it didnt match her badass attitude enough so she turned it a deep brown. But she wouldnt ever cover her eyes with contact lenses. They were the one thing that she never wanted to change about herself. Her big brown eyes could gt her out of any trouble, and are really clear you can see your exact reflection in it. They are big brown and so mysterious with the glorious green specks in them. She was really beautiful. But also serious, she makes you laugh with how it serious you are talking but what she is saying is so funny. She is super smart, all AP classes in highschool. Shes also part Asian, so its interests people even more. She is too mysterious.

Alex Lillith, the full on Asian in the group, jet black hair, and deep brown eyes, gorgeous nonetheless. Also a smart ass hacker. At the age of thirteen, she was playing around wih the computer, trying to hack into the FBI system. Doing it just for fun and experience, but she actually did hack into it. It was quite surprising. And from then, i knew that we woukd be grear friends.

We had two guys outside the sorority, Tim and Xavier Johnson, twins. Both on the basketball team, both smart, both rich, and both in the crew. Brown hair, brown blue eyes, tan skin. Both really awesome and athletic.

Well as for me, i woukd be classified as boring in the looks department, and feisty inthe personality. I had a past no one knew about and one that i was hoping no one would find out about. I had dark brown hair, and big innocent doe eyes to cover up my past. They would go icicle blue and so big that my doe eyes would get me out of any trouble i was ever into. The were crystalized clear, and i never wore contacts. They were like mirrors, and so clear that people saw their reflections in them. My skin was a flawless pale colour, smooth and fragile.

Now i just need to get into my dress and heels and i'll be good to go. My white halter neck was silk, comfy, and poofy. My heels, stillettos, Louboutin. I put on some silver bracelts and headband and diamond earings, it was the perfect outfit for the party. It was the beginning of my sophmore year party. So i wanted

to look my best for the occassion.

I arrived at the party, being fashionably late as i was, already i found boys flutter at my entrance. Well, being a Chi Alpha Mu gives you that little boost you need. I immediately heard Alli's voice ringing in my ears.

"I'm just gonna head to thw kitchen and get something to drink" she said lightly, and skipped to the kitchen

Shots was the first word that popped into my head. It was what was expected out of Alli. I sighed and walked to the couch.

I took a drink from some guy and decided to actually drink it. I had worse issues than a little hangover.

Just then, a fimiliar glint of sparkle caught my eyes. I found my eyes locked with his. Big and briwn eyes looked straight through me. I grew quiet and flushed.




I made sure when i left that no one would ever find me. So why was he even here?

Some cheerleader came up to me and dared to stand next to me and talk.

"Ha, new guy got girls going down HARD" she stated and laughed girlishly.

I rolled my eyes at her, knowing that i fell for no one, and only they fell for me. I gave the annoying cheerleader some time to think about who she was talking to. She laughed and gazed at me wonderingly, probably wondering why i didnt agree. The expression on her face was PRICELESS. She became all flustered and nervous at the sight of me. I didnt care, i was used to it now.

"Oh, erm, i, uh..., have to ah.... go" she said and scurried off.

I left my smirk where it was, for about a second until i remembered those brown eyes. The ones that squi ted at me, saying that he wanted me to stay, to never leave. I sighed and looked at him, like i could never tear my eyes away from him. My mind wondered to the night i left the place, knowing that i had to go , and that there wasnt anything that could stop me. Those eyes almost made me stay, but as i left, i knew it was the right thing to do.

But now looking at them, i saw the same colour, the same shape. But there was something missing. It was the care and compassion that was missing. Now in its place was something i never knew he had in him.


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