KUWTK Season 11 episode 2

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Kylie POV
Today is the second episode of KUWTK and it is the final episode where we will be filming in St. Bart's.
*Skipping Filming*
After we filmed the second episode of the show we spent the rest of the day relaxing and enjoying our last day here.

Jake POV
We just finished filming the second episode of KUWTK. After we finished filming we just relaxed and enjoyed ourselves because, today was our last day here in St. Bart's. Right now, me, Kylie, and her family are by the pool.
*Family convo*
KKW-Kim Kardashian West
KK-Kourtney Kardashian
KJ-Kris Jenner
KKK-Kylie Kristen Jenner
JML-Jake Mason Levesque
KNJ-Kendall Nicole Jenner
JML-I am really happy I came with you guys.
KKK-we are glad you came with us as well me especially.
KNJ-Kylie, I think we all know why you are happy he came with us on vacation.
KKK-Kendall, be quiet
KKJ-Thank You
KJ-anyway, we are all very happy you came with us and we are all very happy to have you on Keeping up the Kardashians which reminds me I need to talk to you about renewing your contract.
KKW-I am going to go in the pool
*end of convo*

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