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'calum looked deep in her eyes, he wrapped his arms around her waist and'

"kenna!" my mom shouted for the 78554th time.

"okay, yes! i'm coming, jeez." i replied.

i saved my work and shut my laptop. i went downstairs and sat on my chair.

i started eating without my mother telling me to.

"stop eating and wait for your siblings!" my mother yelled.

"sorry" i muttered

then the others came rushing down the stairs

we're a pretty big family

i have three siblings, which is not bad because that means i always have company but they get very annoying at times

there's stella, who's pretty old. she's 23 but still lives here.

there's me, kenna. im 19 and useless.

there's kurt, he's 13.

there's leia, she's 11 and cute.

my mom loves kids and she's still pretty young, so i think that's why there's 4 of us.

and my dad? him? oh, he's an asshole. he left when i was 12. for what reason you may ask? he said he never even loved mom and told us that mom was too obsessed with him. ew.

luckily, my mom did go to college even though she got preggers at 18. she didn't care on what people think, she just wanted to reach her dreams and be successful and that's what happened. she's a designer. cliché, i know.

my mom did bring home some guys a couple of times before but none of those guys worked out for her and us. some turned out to be a douche, some turned out not straight as a line, some weren't just her type.

oh shit. it's tuesday. i hate tuesdays with a passion. tuesday means its the day i do the dishes, the day the a-hole left, the day the other a-hole left me; my ex.

once we were all done eating, i compiled all the dishes and took them to the sink. sadly, we don't have a dishwasher that could make our lives way easier. mom said it would make us lazy and shit.

i did my work and made sure that all of them were squeaky clean or else i'd get slaughtered.

i raced up the stairs and to my room and to my bathroom.

i did the thing most human beings do. brushed my teeth, washed my face and changed.

i, then, went back to my laptop and continued on updating my book.

it is not my job to keep my readers hanging, so i try my best to update one to three times a week.

it's my dream to be a writer someday. writing just calms me down so much. i'm so cliché, i wanna hate it but it keeps me happy.

my number one tip is to never write two books or so all at once. if you have an idea, write it down on a notebook or something.

i have this huge board on my wall full of ideas and little reminders, but i'll have to take it down soon since i'm leaving for uni.

the letters take forever to arrive, well, at least it feels like forever to me.

everyday i check the mail if it's there then i see nothing. so fun.

i applied to nyu and ucla. they're not like harvard or yale or something like that but it'll work for me. i don't dream on getting in those unis, i feel like i'll get super pressured and stressed and die.


now back to the book, i have to think of a problem that's gonna make everyone feel all the feels in this world. ya get me?

this fanfic i'm writing is actually almost over like i already crossed the middle line. (i feel like im not making any sense at all)

just as i was about to type the next line, i heard a soft knock.

"what?" i yelled

"can i come in?" i hummed in reply

stella laid across the foot of my bed and sighed loudly

"why you here?" i asked without looking up from my laptop screen

"i need help"

"with what?"

"i need your opinion"

"on what?"

"do you think that im too old to still be living here?"

"no. why'd you think that?"

"i'm thinking that i should start working and get a life y'know" that made my head snap up, never in a million years did i ever imagine those words leaving stella's lips.

stella's the type of person who just goes with the flow of life and see where it takes her.

"you should. you really should." i smiled genuinely

"really?" she rolled over so that she was facing me

"yep, really. oh! maybe you should come with me." i saved my work and set it aside


"i don't know, wherever i get accepted. i'm going to uni, remember?"

"where did you apply?"

"nyu and ucla. i've always wanted to go to new york or los angeles. not like you, who actually went to college here. you're very smart, why didn't you try at harvard or something?"

"i have my reasons" she groaned

"reasons? meaning; your ex?" i chuckled

"oh fuck off" she raised the oh-so-lovely finger

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