Protective!Brother!Kyoutani X OC x Oikawa

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Iwaizumi's POV


"...!" Closing my eyes and pinching the bridge of my nose, I growled for what felt like the thousandth time of the day as Kyoutani Kentarou spiked a ball that wasn't meant for him ...Again...

Storming my way over to where Assikawa was already scolding the problematic second year who was ignoring him, I drew back my hand and smacked the blond hard across the back head before drawing breath to begin my own rant "IDIOT! You don't go for a ball that clearly isn't yours especially not when it's the set or game point! Now, apologize to Kindaichi for nearly running him over!"


Muscle jumping slightly in my jaw when I noticed he wasn't even looking at me, I gave a small sigh before following his gaze to the outside of the gym... or, more precisely; the door leading to the exit of the gym.

Vein throbbing in my temple over the fact that he was more interested in getting home than taking the time to reflect on his behavior during today's practice, I gave him another smack, this time grabbing his collar and looking into his startled brown eyes to make sure he was really paying attention before ramming my forehead against his nose with a satisfying crack "Before you go home, you're going to polish all the volleyballs in the gym, got it?!"

"...Osu..." Ignoring the blood which was already starting to erupt from his nose like fireworks, Kyoutani cast the doors of the gym one last look filled with a mixture of... expectancy and longing...? But before I could get another closer look, the temperamental second year had already sauntered off to the gym store room to finish punishment I gave him.


Turning to face Oikawa who had watched the whole scene without saying a word, I let a small frown spread over my face at his sudden pronouncement "...What is?"

Resting his chin between his thumb and forefinger, an uncharacteristically serious look on his face as he stared at the door of the gym store room through which Kyoutani had disappeared through moments ago, Oikawa tilted his head slightly as he hummed, apparently deep in thought "...Hmmm... I guess you could say, that reaction just now was really mild of him..." Normally wide brown eyes narrowing slightly to further reflect his confusion, Oikawa chewed his bottom lip thoughtfully "I don't know... just a hunch, but with his reaction just then, it seemed like he was waiting for something... or maybe a someone..." Confused frown instantly morphing into a wide, devious smirk, Oikawa rubbed his hands together conspirationally "...Ne Iwa-chan... Do you reckon that maybe... just maybe...?" Tilting my head in confusion as he beckoned for me to come closer, my eyes widened as he latched both arms around my neck before whispering his theory into my ear "Do you think Mad Dog-chan has a girlfriend?"

"..." Letting my eyes narrow again, I shoved Oikawa off of me, ignoring his cries of pain as an unimpressed expression spread over my face "I highly doubt it, with him being as aggressive as he is." Giving a sigh at the childish pout he was giving me, I reached over to the bench and grabbed 2 mops, tossing one over to Oikawa "Come on Shittykawa, we really need to start cleaning up."

"Hai... Iwa-chan is such a meanie..." still sulking as he turned to mop up the gym, we almost missed the girl that stood waiting patiently at the gym door.

"Erm... Excuse me?"

Immediately spinning around at the sound of the feminine voice, Oikawa gawked... and if I was honest, so did I, because standing there was one of the most petite girls that I had ever seen.

...So cute...!

Recovering almost instantly, Oikawa made a beeline for the girl and fluffed up his bangs, preening "Well Hello there, I've never seen you around here before! Are you the Volleyball club's latest fan?" Still smiling, Oikawa reached out presumably to kiss the girl's hand... only to get a punch to the face. Stunned, I traced the fist back to its owner only to find a certain absolutely livid 2nd Year, who, at the moment, fully deserved the nickname of "Mad Dog" that Oikawa had given him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2016 ⏰

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