"What's so special about being a white wolf?" Angel asked, looking between the two men in the room. "And how did you know we're mates? We haven't completed the bond yet."

"The way you two look at and act at around each other is a pretty good give away," Tommy laughed, causing Angel to blush as she glanced at Jared, trying to guage his reaction to Tommy's declaration.

When Jared just grinned at Tommy, Angel cleared her throat. "So what's special about wolves?"

"Black wolves and white wolves are extremely rare," Jared spoke this time. "Only about one out of every three thousand is a white wolf. Blacks are even rarer. Usually they're Alphas, or their mates."

"But we're getting off topic," Tommy said as he nodded back to the computer on the corner of Jared's desk. "If Alpha Williamson's Rebecca is the same Rebecca as Robert's, then why didn't Robert say anything about it this afternoon?"

"Because he's a douche," Angel replied without thinking. Jared glanced sharply at his mate, but Tommy spoke before he could.

"Glad I'm not the only one who thinks that, sis."

Jared glanced back and forth between his brother and his mate, hoping one or the other would say something more. When niether of them spoke for several moments, he gave a weary sigh. "Okay, what's up? Why don't we like Robert, other than him being a douche?"

"There's something off with him, Jared," Tommy said as he looked at his brother. "When you two were talking, he kept staring at Angel."

"What's wrong with that?" Jared said, wrapping his arm around her waist. "Angel is beautiful. Besides, he had just met a woman who could be his neice."

Tommy shook his head as he spoke. "That's not it. The look he gave her was full of malice, not awe. Then, when you two started whispering, he turned to his enforcers and spoke quietly with them. I don't know what they were talking about, but from their body language, I could tell it wasn't just about the Thunder."

"Not to mention, he couldn't wait to leave once the doctor took her samples,' Angel said from her perch in Jared's lap. " If he truly was a concerned brother looking for his sister's daughter, then why didn't he stick around and try to get to know me?"

"Hmmm," Jared hummed as he scratched his chin in thought. "You might have a point." He glanced up at Tommy. "Try to find everything you can on the man. Let me know what you find out."

"I'm already on it, bro," Tommy said before explaining how he took pictures of the older Alpha's vehicles and tags. "I've also sent the pictures out to our enforcers and told them to be on the lookout. We don't want him coming back without us knowing, just in case he tries to start anything."

Jared nodded at his beta, dismissing him just as his computer let out a ping, anouncing an in coming email. Tommy stopped in his tracks and walked back into the room as Jared wiggled the mouse again to bring the screen to life. It was a reply email from Alpha Williamson.






Alpha Michaels,

I would like to come visit you and the girl. She looks exactly like my mate, and I have no doubt she is our daughter! I would be willing to do anything you required to verify her identity. I can be on the next flight out, if you allow. I'd only need for you to grant me and two of my enforcers permission to your territory. I await your answer.


Alpha Williamson


Jared looked up at Angel after he finished reading the newest email. Her mouth was set in a determined line as she read and re-read the short missive. After she finally finished looking at the screen, she met his eyes and nodded her head.

"Let him come," she said with a shrug. "I'd rather get this over and done with, plus, we can see if he's as douchy as Robert. Better to know all at once if I'll be ignoring two new relatives, instead of just the one."

"I wonder why he only wants to bring two enforcers," Tommy said as Jared quickly typed a reply allowing the new Alpha and his enforcers access to his territory.

"I'm not sure," Jared said as another email hit his mailbox. He gave a short laugh as he read its contents. "He's already purchased his tickets, and they will be here this evening. I guess he wasn't joking about getting the next flight out!"

"Do you think we should set up a couple of the guest rooms for them?" Tommy asked his older brother. "I know Mom would have already ordered it done, but I don't know if it would be smart."

"I know, Mutt. I know. I miss them, too," Jared replied, glancing down at the floor as memories of his parents played across his mind. Both boys were so lost in their thoughts, neither one of them noticed the look of sorrow that crossed Angel's face.

Clearing her throat, Angel brought Jared and Tommy's attention back to the present.

"Tommy, prepare at least two guest rooms," she said, taking over. "The two enforcers can share a room, if needs be, but the Alpha should have his own. Is there a cook here?"

Tommy gaped at her as she started giving out orders. Jared looked at her also, surprise evident on his face. His mate was taking over her Luna duties.

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