Rains scent filled Silvers nose and sets his entire body on fire with desire that is extremely unfamiliar to him and quiet frankly caught him off guard. What is the feeling? He has never felt such white hot desire before. 

Rain catches his breath and looks up to his Alfa with a questionable look. Silver swollows and look away. This emotion is... is it the feeling one gets when he is faced with his mate? This boy? But why? 


"I'm sorry. Now, it is time for you to show your howl to the Lycan Gods. Show them what pack you belong to and what clan you serve. Brothers and sisters, follow this youngling and hope that his voice reaches them, as does ours." Silver says gently looking down to the most important people to in the world to him.

His pack.

The people his father lead before him, and his grandfather before him, and his grandmother before him. She originally freed their clan from a tyrant of an Alpha, one that made his clan vicious murders and nearly brought upon the Red Moon.

Shilo, his great grandmother, fought her Alpha beneath the moonlight, her pelt thick and silver, much like his own, and ripped open the throat of her Alpha for all the clan and the Lycan Gods to see. She was given fatal wounds that stopped her beating heart before the light of the new day.

For that one night, she was their Alpha and when she was barried along side her mate, the one in whom she murdered the night before.

All of the wolves fall back to their hunches and waited for Rain to howl to the bright full moon before following suite.

Silver is the last to join, his voice like a low song to the moon. All of the wolves sing a beautiful tune for the moon to hear and all the voice create the perfect, balanced song.

The vigil was difficult for Rain but even though it is only somewhat common, the majority of the pack stayed with him that night and all howled their beautiful song to the moon until their throats were dry and raspy and their throats were tight. Nevertheless, all that stayed there survived the entire night and disperesed to their human-like lives in a few hours.

Rain tiredly limps home with his Alfa at his side. Silver has been incredibally quiet the entire walk. His eyes downcast and he seems to be avoiding being down wind of Rain. He is constantly adjusting where he is supporting Rain. He would murmur an apology and move to a different side of him.

There is one thing that Rain understands for sure; Silver's scent is breath taking. Rain holds an unfathomable desire to fall into Silvers arms and submit to his ever whim, and not in a Beta to Alpha kind of way.

"We are here, Youngling." Silver whispers in Rain's ear.

Rain glances up to see his house stretched out before them. As of this moment, Rain is leaning heavily on Silver, both of them staring at the dark house, dawn barely breaking over the horizon. The start of a new day and the beginning of the rest of Rain's life.

And Silver's.

Rain slept the entire day and most of the night. When he woke, he lays in bed and thinks about Silver. Something about him, his touch, his scent... it was different then anyone elsed. Maybe this is what happens when a newly changed pup meets his Alpha. Maybe?

Something in his gut twisted at the mere thought of his white haired Alpha. Something that he can't seem to put his finger on. Something about his Alpha was different...

"Rain! Wake up!" Raven jumps onto Rain's bed, bouncing him into the air.

Jerking into full awareness, Rain, with some newly found speed. reaches for his sister and scoups her into his arms. She giggles and wiggles about as he tickles her.

"What, what, what, Raven? What could you possibly want?" he teases.

"Grandma wants to see you." she tells him as he sets her down on his bed beside himself. He clambers to his feet, muscles stiff and rigid. He stretches out his legs and arms, popping the  bones along his spine.

"Okay, I'm going." With that he slinks from the room and walks down the stairs to the den where his grandmother is usually found, staring at a portrait of her late mate.

Rain's grandfather passed away about  a year ago, he was killed in an attack by a rival clan and grandmother missed him so. Once a mate dies, the other slowly withers away with them. That's what happened to his parents.

"You wished to speak with me, grandmother?"

Shamara pulls her eyes away from the portrait and turns to her grandson. "Yes, Rain, please sit down."

Rain sits on the couch across from her easily. His grandmother adjusts herself to fully face her grandson before she looks him in the eye and says, "Today is a special day indeed. Our Alpha has offered to be your trainer."

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