"It's Marcus...you should know that by now..Another day of fighting crime, I presume?" Jona-Marcus asked.

"Marcus, right! And yes, another day of being totally epic." I replied.

"Well, if only I were that brave...you see there is this girl I like, and she's currently with a total dick. She would never like me though, not with him around at least." Marcus said, sighing.

I decided to give him my awesome dating advice. I climbed my way to the front seat of the car, maybe 'accidentally' putting my ass in Marcus' face.

"Listen, here what you need to do..Kill the motherfucker." I replied bluntly.

"Kill him?! No, are you crazy!?" He asked, keeping his eye on the road.

"Yes I am..I know, you probably won't do it, but, I'll leave a gun in the back for you." I said, winking through my mask. I forgot he can't see it.

Right on cue, we were at the bank. Well..close to it. It was blocked off for safety reasons, considering there was a robbery.

"Alrighty, time to blow up some heads!" I said, getting out of the car, leaving one of my pistols behind.

"Make him suffer." I whispered to Marcus.

I closed the cab door, but not before Marcus yelled, "you forgot to pay".

I casually strolled up to the bank. Lots of people were looking at me. I don't blame them, a weird guy in a red suit and mask, with two huge swords hanging off his back.

"Sir, you can't be here." One of the cops said. "Listen here, do you want to stop the robbery or flail around like a bunch of pigs? Let me in, and I can handle it." I said.

I was exceptionally taller then him, and a lot more fit. Not to mention the guns and swords. He looked me up and down, before shuffling out of the way.

"Good choice. Time to get messy!"

**Zayn's POV**

I was walking to work, when I saw cops and people surrounding the bank. Being the curious person I am, I decided to check out what was going on.

I walked into the crowd, and got pushed around a few times, before maneuvering to the front of the crowd.

I saw cops surrounding the entrances. "What's going on?" I asked someone, but since I'm not a loud person, especially in this big crowd, he didn't hear.

I made a grumpy face before I saw him..

My hero.

My inspiration.

The guy I have fantasies about at night.

The one I'd let do the nasty to me, if you know what I mean.


He walked up to the building, looking fine as ever. I loved how his suit hugged his biceps.

I got lost in fantasy land, and ended up getting pushed back into the crowd.

I couldn't stop thinking about him. I grabbed the notebook I had in my backpack, and flipped to a page.

The whole book were pictures I drew of him, deadpool.

Some call me obsessed, but I call it admiring.

**Louis' POV**

"Pew pew, pew pew" I said, as I shot the fuck out of one of the robbers.

I saw from the corner of my eye, the last robber left had the money in a sack, heading to the window.

"Did I say you could leave?! No, get back here, you bad boy!" I said, grabbing my sword.

He looked back at me, fearful, trying to open the window.

"Okay, so you're not gonna cooperate." I said, and chucked my sword right towards him.

It stabbed him right in the head, and through the window. He fell backwards, right out of the building.

"Damn, I wish I caught that on snapchat." I said, before I headed down to the building lobby.

I walked out of the bank, and went to the body of the robber I stabbed.

Everyone was looking at me. Some in fear, some in awe. I smirked through my mask, and grabbed my sword from out of the robbers head.

I also grabbed the money, handing it to a cop.

"You're a hero..well, sorta." The cop said. "Not a hero..more like a vigilante." I replied, before heading to the sidewalk.

I called Marcus, who got there in two minutes.

"Did you kill the lady stealer yet?" Was the first thing I asked when I got in the cab.

"No, you weirdo.. I see that your work was a success." He said, starting to drive away from the bank.

"Yep." I said, popping the p. I grabbed a duffle bag from under he seat. I always leave a duffle bag in Marcus' car with extra clothes.

He's the only cab I call, and if he's not available? I walk.

"Alright don't look. I'm changing." I said from the back of the car. Marcus was used to this, and he knows exactly where I go after I fight crime.

Sister Margaret's Bar.

I got dressed, which was a struggle, considering I have a skin tight suit, and I'm in the back of a car.

I wore a hoodie, and skinny jeans. Making sure to put my hood up, I didn't want anyone seeing my face, which looked like it got run over by a tank.

That's probably a little dramatic.

"Okay, we're here." Marcus said, putting the car in park.

"Alright. Seeya, buddy. The gun is still here if you need it." I said, winking. He rolled his eyes.

I got out of the car, leaving a $20 bill in there for him.

I went inside the bar, and everyone looked at me before going back to what they were doing.

"Ah, you're here!" Weasel, or Ashton which is his real name. He is one of my best friends, and my gun dealer.

"Ready for me to tell you what I did today?" I asked him, excitedly. "gonna need a drink first." He said.

"You're the bartender..I thought you're not supposed to drink?" I asked him. "So?"

"Good point. Give me a beer"

**Zayn's POV**

After the bank incident, they told everyone to leave. I realized I was late for work, so I hurried to the the Mexican joint.

"Zayn! What the hell? You were supposed to be here thirty minutes ago!" Luke, the boss, said, starting down at me.

"Sorry! There was a robbery or something at the bank." I said.

"Yeah well, we kinda need our chef! I've been stalling the customers with free chips with guacamole." He said, tapping his foot.

"Go start cooking. Perrie, go get everyone's orders." Luke demanded.

I was the chef for this little Mexican joint. We were very popular. Guess what for?





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