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Takuya pov

That damn Kouji why is he always picking on me. I try to give what I think are good ideas and he shoots them down. I left the camp before I could blow up to much but knowing that jerk he is probably following me. Knowing him he is going to say I am childish can't he see I am trying to control my anger.

"Takuya where do you think going. Get your ass back here right now." I kept walking I don't want to be near him right now. Why did I even want to ask him join the group. "Takuya are you even listening to me." I stopped and turned around.

"What Kouji, what did I do wrong this time. What do you want to yell at me for now. I know you think I am a bad leader. You know what I never wanted to be leader. You should be leader if you think I am so bad at it." He had a look of shock on his face. I stamped my foot down. "I just want to go home as much as the rest of you guys." I saw a look of fear appear on his face. Was something behind me. He took a hesitant step forward. "What is there something wrong?" I stomped closer to him. The look of fear was growing.

"Takuya calm down. Just walk slowly over to me." What is he talking about. I looked down and saw cracks beneath my feet that looked like they were growing. Then I felt like I was falling. "TAKUYA!!!" I feel someone grab me and then I felt myself hit the ground. I groaned. "Taky are you alright."

"Y-yeah." He still had his arm around me. I finally had a chance to look around. We were in a small cavern underground. Great a small area and now it is feeling like it was getting smaller. I looked up and saw little opening in the ceiling. The walls were smooth so it would be hard to climb. That won't stop me if it is a way out I will try it. I got up and started to try and climb the walls.

Kouji pov

"Takuya what are you doing. The walls are too smooth you can't climb them." What is he doing. Is he that stupid. He fell to the ground. He got up and moved to the corner of the cavern and curled into a ball. He started to hyperventilate. "Takuya are you alright?" He isn't talking to me is he still mad. Damn, I must seem like a jerk to him. What is wrong with him. "Takuya what's wrong?" I started to walk closer to him.

"NO, you stay over there the area seems bigger if you are over there." Wait is he? No, fearless Takuya. I walked closer. "Kouji what did I say stay over there."

"Takuya are you claustrophobic?" He started to hyperventilate again. I sat down next to him and started to rub his back. "Don't worry Taky. Everything is going to be alright. The others will start to look for us soon. They will find us." He gave me a weak smile.

"Y-yeah they will d-definitely find us r-right." I smiled. This is not the Takuya I knew. Taky usually acts fearless not caring what enemy we are facing. I hugged him that is what you do if someone is feeling bad or scared right. "Um, K-Kouji I know you're trying to m-make me feel b-better but hugging me is making it worse." I let go. I guess I am bad at comforting people. He looked at me with with a kind look on face and that weak smile. "Usually that works with people but it is freakier for me especially in tight spaces."

Takuya pov

I see Kouji sink down. I know he wants to help but he probably doesn't know what to do in this case. Small spaces have always scared me. For as long as I can remember. I scoot closer to him. "Thank you Kouji. I know you are trying to make me feel better. I really appreciate it Kouji." He had a tinge of pink on his cheeks. "Kouji I always wondered am I your friend?"

"Of course Taky why wouldn't I. You are the first person other than my family to care about me." What did he mean by that? "Since my dad moved a lot I never made friends. I guess that is why I am bad with people. I never had the chance to make friends. You guys are my first friends." I leaned into him. "Taky?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2016 ⏰

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