"Ron, Mom and I will be going on a business trip. We will provide you by some money.

And buy your own food or make one if you want to eat and always bring the house key with you every time you get out of the house.

Love, Dad"

After that, I hear my phone rang. It was a call from my friend.

"Come here, I need your help." The boy on the phone said.

"What for?" I asked again.

"Just come." Said the boy.

"Okay." I said.

"Cupa you want to go out and take a walk? I need to go see my friend." I asked her.

"Okay, why not?" She said with a cute smile.

"Wait here while I change my clothes."

After I was done, I told her: "Let's go."Ron and Cupa started walking to his friend's house because he wanted to? (I guess?)

While they were walking, Ron asked a few questions to her like: How did you come to this world, Who sent you into this world, etc. She answers the questions without any annoyance on her face.

After a long walk, they finally reached their destination. "Here we are." Ron says to Cupa. "We're here?" "Yes". He rang the bell a few times until a boy with a white t-shirt and a short pants come to them.

"Hey, wassu-" before he could finish, the boy pulled him inside the house."I need you to help me" said the boy. "About what?" Ron says to the boy. The boy then pointed to a tall, slender girl with a turtleneck jacket and a beanie hat with a pair of glowing purple eyes. She is about the same age as Cupa.

"Andr?" Cupa said. "Andr is that you?" Cupa said again. "Cupa?" The girl jumped as Cupa suddenly hugged her tight. "What are you doing here?" Andr asked to Cupa. "I could ask you the same thing." Says Cupa.

"Whoa you know her? Who are you?" Asked the boy. "My name's Cupa. And you are?" Asked Cupa to the boy. "Oh-oh my name's Geraldy but just call me AG." Said the boy.

"It's nice to meet you AG." Cupa says with a small smile on her face.

There was a silence going on for a few seconds.

"So can i ask? What exactly are you guys? Why are you here on earth?" AG asked both girls. "Well we are basically mobs from minecraft that's all." Cupa says to answer AG's question. "And we have no idea why we got thrown in this world."

"Cupa you haven't introduced me to your boyfriend." Andr said teasingly while pointing at Ron. Ron just silent. "He's not my boyfriend!" She said with a blush on her face. "His name is Ron" Cupa added.

"I wanted to go home, i want to sleep." Ron said as an excuse to get out of the awkward situation before a thunder clapped and a storm just started. "Grr" Ron protested. "Hey it's okay you can go home tomorrow." AG said to Ron. "You could sleep in the guest room with Cupa." AG added.

"Wh-what?" Cupa stammered. "I couldn't sleep with a boy. That's just.. wrong" . "It's okay Andr also sleeps with me in my bed." Said AG which made Andr look a bit surprised. "What? Why couldn't i sleep on your parent's bed?" Andr said. "Mom never allow anyone to sleep or even sit down on her bed." AG said to Andr. Andr blushed slightly after hearing that. She doesn't have anymore choices except sleeping with him.

"Come on let's just sleep. I couldn't hold much longer." Said Ron. "Good night everyone."

Then everyone says their goodnights to Ron and Cupa.

After they got on to the guest room, Cupa seems to blush a lot, Ron asked her what happened but she just said that it's okay.

"Now how do we fit in this bed?" Asked Ron curiously. "Maybe i just sleep on the floor" said Ron with a smile to Cupa. "Don't do it. You could get sick." Cupa said.

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