Chapter 2

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Esmae's prov;
I decided to take the long way home from school, as it was only 11 o'clock I was thinking about what Excuse I would make to my mum about being excluded from school, finally after giving up I put my earphones in and listen to Beyoncé.on the way home I started to think about my fight with Chloe, and to be honest I was rather disappointed in myself, that was my first ever fight and I had no idea what I was doing, I have always viewed myself as a kind and caring person however today I have had enough of Chloe and her gang bullying me all the time. Back in middle school me and Chloe were actually best friends, we done everything together, until when we reached high school she started hanging around with the wrong people and slowly turned against me, now it seems her only enjoyment was bullying me on a daily basis. Although I have a lot of friends and I would class myself as fairly popular no one can stand up to Chloe.

Walking past the new neighbours house I couldn't help but admire the amount of beautiful flowers that had been freshly planted in their front lawn, I happened to slow down when a women popped up from behind the wall, she was a small, plumpish lady with dark curly hair, she is very pretty and her dark green eyes seem very similar. "Oh hello love, oh my goodness? What has happened to your eye" her thick British accent is evident as face fills with sympathy and before I knew it she was dragging me indoors to get me cleaned up. Their house was bigger than mine and there was boxes everywhere, the decor was outdated but I'm sure they will sort that out. "Please do excuse the mess dear, it's all upside down in this house today, I do hope we didn't wake you up this morning?" I didn't have it in me to lie and say that I heard every noise they made so I just lied and smiled, she pulled me into the kitchen and rummaged through her boxes and pulled out a some cloth and ran it under the cold water, she put the cold pad on my eye which stung a lot, she also told me the cut on my face might need stitches. After avoiding questions about how I got into the fight she finally finished, "oh before you go, you couldn't pop upstairs into the bathroom and get my first aid kit could you? It's in the cabinet? I just want to put stitches in the cut on your head, I'm a nurse you see, I would go fetch it myself but I have to look after young Chloe" my eyes wander across the room and find a young girl about four years old drawing a picture on the kitchen table, she also had thick brown curly hair and piercing green eyes, she gave a small smile and continued to draw.

Their house had a long, spiral staircase which was very pretty, after dodging the boxes I finally find the room which I believe to be the bathroom, however as I opened the door the strong scent of mint filled my nostrils once again, the walls were a bright white and a large king size bed was at the far corner, this room was almost unpacked and it was very tidy, posters of half naked women hung from the walls, as I look out of the window I see a clear view of my room shit, this must be Harry's room. Just as I was about to close the door an angry voice boomed from behind me making me jump "what are you doing in my room", the voice was instantly recognisable, Harry. For some reason my voice stuttered and I just managed to speak " uh, Um I was, just looking for the Um bathroom", his long arms pointed to the room next door and I quickly hurried into the bathroom, grabbed the first aid kit and hurried down stairs, his eyes watching my every move.

After thanking Mrs styles (who insisted I call her Anne) for cleaning up my face I headed home, my mum was in when I arrived and she had a call from the school to tell her about my fight with Chloe, she was angry but not at me, she knows about Chloe and her gang and it took a lot of persuading to calm her down, she decided to order a pizza and we watched films all day, and I soon forgot all about Chloe and Harry.

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