Never forget that without me... You'd be dead!




Air flowed into my lungs. Confusion came over me. I was in the hallway. The dark and stony hallway.

Suddenly my ears caught the sound of footsteps.

Eli... Did she just send me back in time? To save myself...? Damn it!

I started running after the footsteps, but I didn't make any sound. I heard the hole being opened. "Shit... NOÈ!" I tried yelling after myself, my voice filled with desperation.

I noticed how past me hesitated before closing the hole again. Damnit!! Why didn't I listen to the voice??

Sighing I started running towards the hole, I had to do something! But... I probably shouldn't let my past self see me... That would cause some trouble...

I got out to the surface and started walking. I knew that there weren't any creatures out right now and it didn't seem like they could hurt me anyway. I wasn't even in my body. Right now I was in spirit mode.

You can only get into spirit mode when a Mourir blade, or something else that's magically powerful, sends you back in time. The body isn't strong enough to travel through time so that's why only the spirit leaves. If I remember correctly... I have about a quarter of a nox in my spirit form. That's not much... But hopefully it will be enough.

I started sprinting through the red forest looking for... Something. Suddenly a thought passed through my mind. How am I supposed to do this...? I can't let my past self see me... But I also can't mess with time. Somehow... I have to save myself in the last minute without me seeing it?

I... Could either make sure that Syinnah sees me instead of past me and hunts me down instead? But I don't think that would work...

Instead... I could knock out past me when Syinnah tries to stab my past self and at the same time make sure that Syinnah never stabs me? It could work... But I don't have a weapon...

... Or do I?

A smirk spread over my lips as I remembered the weapon I left in the tree while Syinnah was hunting me. I could use that... And I could just hit my past self on a place... Where I pass out...? Ouch. It's gonna hurt... But it will save me.

After forming a plan in my head I ran to the place where I knew that I had left the weapon.


It wasn't there. That could either mean that someone, of something's, already been here.., or I'm just way ahead of time.

Suddenly I saw my past self falling from the tree. After nearly getting a heart attack, but then remembering I didn't have a heart, I sighed and remembered that I also survived the fall. Damn I'm reckless.

I hid as I saw my past self jump away from the tree and doing a nice somersault before running away into the forest. Right after past me I saw Syinnah run after, a grin on her face as she shot arrows after my past self.

After reassuring me that they were gone, I got out of my hiding place and walked to the weapon.

I jumped up the tree and sat on the branch closest to the weapon. With a sigh I jumped at the weapon, taking a strong hold on the handle with my feet on the tree trunk. Then, I started to pull at the weapon trying to make it unstuck. I don't even know how I managed to make it this stuck while I fell. Magic I guess?

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