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Agápi-"Love" Greek

     Cerise Lancaster didn't think she fit in at Hogwarts, the place was swarming with British people, with occasionally adding in a Scot or Irish. But Greek, there was two Cerise and her brother, Perseus. Cerise had held this feeling before, Her mother, brother, and herself live in a small house in the country side of England.
    Cerise could feel the difference she radiates from the others. She was a half-blood Greek, she was European, yes she gave herself that. The people she hung out with were different. Theodore Dean, Willa Greene, and Luna Lovegood were no Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger. But, she liked that it was just a group of her Ravenclaws and a Hufflepuff.
Defense against the dark arts was Cerise's favorite subject. She was quite talented if she could say so herself, but the only good professor she's ever had was Lupin, and he left because of a mistake another made.
As Cerise entered Defense against the dark arts with Willa she noticed the different feeling she got when entering this room, it wasn't full of excitement. It was like she had entered prison and Umbridge ran the place. It was like when the dementors came and all the happiness Cerise ever experienced left.
    "heh hem." A sickly sweet voice said, her pink lady suit had no wrinkles or kinks. She looked prestigious. Almost, she held this look in her eye that proved she was up to no good. She wouldn't have it.
     "Welcome children.-" she pauses to meet eyes with every Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw alike."-I am professor Dolores Umbridge. I am here to inform you of Defense against the dark arts. Please open your books to page one, now please read to page 43." Groans admitted from the houses, but she silenced them with a glare. Cerise, who had read the whole book before, during the summer had her hand shot into the air. 
    "Yes, miss?" Umbridge asked Cerise.
    "Lancaster, miss" Cerise had said assuming she was unmarried, because who would marry her.
    "Yes miss Lancaster"
    "There are no spells to protect our selves in these pages. I suggest 140-170, the patronus charm." Cerise had never spoken like that to Lupin, but she sure did to Lockhart. Many times.
"What would you need to protect your self from exactly, Miss Lancaster?" The smugness in her voice makes Cerise want to vomit.
    "I don't  know, Voldemort?" The clearness in Cerise voice makes the other students shudder and whisper amongst themselves.
"Miss Lancaster detention tonight 8:00 my office. I hope you like writing lines." Umbitch sneers
"Skyla(bitch)" Cerise had said aloud, not even trying to hide what she had said, besides talking in her mother tongue. Cerise had learned to speak Greek when other children were learning English. She was young when she learned English, but at that time she often spoke in half Greek and half English. Of course her mother had not taught her to cuss in Greek, but her cousins did.
    "Would you like to translate that miss Lancaster?"
    "No thank you, professor." Cerise had leeched out to the professor, who had annoyed her. Cerise also had the nerve to gather her things and walk out the class. Cerise had walked out of class before, she had a bit of a temper. A bit was an under statement, she had once thrown her book down in potions because Snape had annoyed her so much.
     Because Theo was a year older he had a free period and it was just so conveniently was when Cerise had stormed out. Cerise wanted to go to her room and sleep, but something to take over her to go find Theo and cause some trouble. It wasn't hard to find him, he's predictable.
    "Come oooooon, Theoooo. Let's have some fun." Cerise was always one to have fun in the most random times. Late at night, early in the morning, whenever she wanted. She was just like that. With as much trouble Cerise had gotten in, or as Cerise calls it trouble gets into her, she didn't get expelled. Dumbledore has a lot of patience with that one.
     After Theo had destroyed Cerise dreams like what Cerise decides to call him "meanie butt". She was in search of the Weasley twins. They were always looking for trouble, trouble always find her. It always surprised all of Hogwarts that the Weasley's and Cerise were not best friends. They were what they called business partners. While she was 15 and they were 17 they were not wiser than she. The search for the Weasley's was a bit harder than Theo's search but not impossible. She found them in a place close to her heart, Filtch's office.
    "Hello boys," Cerise had always referred to them as 'boys'. They called her 'Circe'
    "Hello Circe," the said in unison, Cerise had always liked that about the boys, they didn't hate each other, they celebrated each other. Like true siblings.
    "What can we help you with today miss Lancaster?" Fred asked Cerise. Cerise is now leaning on the wall, filling her bad girl label.
"I want to cause some trouble." She says like its the most common thing, but between these 'business partners' it is, they went to each other when they wanted some fun (but in that weird way ya little nasties).
"We're just trying to get some stuff back from Filtch." Cerise had of course joined, Filtch had taken a lot of things from her, suspicious or not. Sometimes as simple as a hairbrush, because he claimed it could hide "muggle magic". Yeah like getting rid of the rats nest called Cerise's hair. Squibs.
Cerise had found things from her 1st year, 2nd year, till now. She even had her own box of stuff Filtch took.
"Nice doing business with ya boys." Cerise had yelled behind her at the twins carrying her box of items.
I hoped you enjoyed. The chapter names are in Greek and the words have nothing to do with the chapter. With great thanks ::sid::

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