Chapter 7: 50 Shades

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Andrea's POV
Joy and I decided to go to the movies tonight. It was our first time going together as a couple and I was unnecessarily excited about it. We decided to see 50 Shades of Grey. I hadn't even read the books, but she has and had seen the movie earlier in the week with her friend. She told me that she kept thinking of me the whole time and that from the first time Christian said "Good girl" that we would have to watch it together.

We had spent the whole day at her house, surround by her family and drunken family friends. We couldn't really be the super affectionate couple that we are all day and I just wanted to spend time with her.

Our original plan was to sit in the back of the theatre so that Joy could fuck me while we watched the movie. Cliché or not, it would have been a struggle. I'm not known for being able to keep particularly still. Or quiet. But that makes it more fun, right? We got there a little late and the previews had already begun, so we didn't sit in the back. A small part of me was disappointed. I'd never fooled around in a movie theatre and I was happy that Joy would share that first experience with me.

Still, I was thrilled to be at the movies with my girlfriend. We held hands from the beginning. The previews finally ended and the movie started. I was intrigued. I'd heard that it was basically a porno, but I was interested to see for myself how it would play out.

The movie started doing its thing and of course, Joy started doing her thing. Her hand kept traveling across my upper thigh and my legs instantly spread for her. She was teasing the fuck out of me. After the first sex scene in the movie, I was a goner (A/N: tøp af). Her hand never left my thigh and I could feel myself getting wetter and wetter the entire movie.

I got bold at one point during the movie and started reciprocating the action. My hand, however, traveled a little further than her thigh and I knew I was teasing her. Eventually, she pushed my hand aside and if we were in a different situation, I would have been punished for being bad.

So, the movie ends and I am significantly wet and frustrated. We stand and Joy pulls me into her and starts kissing me so passionately that I wanted her to take me right there. She smirks as she pulls away, grabs my hand and turns around to leave the theatre. We pass the bathrooms and I almost wanted to stop, I needed her to fuck me so badly. She knew it too, but we made it to her car.

We didn't drive home. Not yet. She pulled up into a quiet parking lot. I was even more excited now.

She puts the car in park and takes off her jacket. Next thing I know, her hand is in its favorite place, tangled up in the back of my hair. We start making out and my breathing is already changing. I've needed her so badly for so long that I'm practically quivering under her touch.

People come to move their car, so we temporarily cease, much to my chagrin. She turns the car off, knowing that I move around too much and not wanting anything bad to happen. I unzipped my jacket, moving my phone and any other obstacle out of the way. I need her hands on me and I need them on me now.

The car finally drives away and she pulls me to her again. Her breathing is quick and matches my own as she pulls on my hair, lifting my chin and exposing my neck. Her hand reaches around my neck, teasing me with the thought of her choking me. I let out a soft moan into the silence of the car.

"You can be as loud as you want."
I barely breathe out an "I know" before I moan again, her hand roaming all over my chest, my waist, my thighs. I love the way my body feels under her touch – so soft, so feminine, so beautiful, so sexy.

I can't stop kissing her. I can't get enough of her mouth. My hands reach up to her hair. I need her to fuck me.

As if reading my mind, her hand finally finds its way under my leggings, slipping past my lace trimmed panties. The moment her fingers touch me, she moans into my mouth, shocked and turned on by how wet I am for her. My legs spread as much as possible in the car. I let out moan after moan, kissing her, biting her lip.
"I needed you to fuck me that entire movie," I manage to breathe out, my lips finding her ear.
Her reply is barely audible as her fingers her sliding and quickly encircling my clit. The touch is such a relief, I'm surprised I didn't cum on the spot.

Half murmured "fucks" and "Joys" slip past my breathless lips. My back arches towards her, my ass lifting up from the seat. I'm trying desperately to grind against her hand, my body having a mind of it's own.

Her fingers slip lower and she's fucking me, her fingers entering me over and over again.
"I need you to be a good girl and cum for me."
Her fingers are back circling my clit, and I'm trying so hard to get closer to her. Close is never close enough. I let out a load moan in the car, loving that I get to be loud for her. She kisses along my lips, over my cheeks, down my neck and back up to my ear. I'm so close and my hips are bucking along my hand.

"Are you going to be a good girl and cum for me?"

I barely breathe out, "Yes, I'm gonna-"
She doesn't stop fucking me. Our breathing's matched – erratic and heavy. I let out a loud moan and kiss her neck and collarbone, so tempted to bite her skin.

She still doesn't stop. She keeps fucking me. I try to touch her, wanting to return the favor, but she moves my hand away.

"Oh fuuuuck."

I'm writhing around in the passenger seat as she fucks me harder and harder. I feel like I'm almost about to cum again...

Then we see bright lights shining through the window. There's another car parked directly across from us and we have to stop.

I can't help myself but lean over again and kiss her passionately, tangling my fingers in her hair.

So even though we didn't fuck in the movie theatre, we fucked in her car.


lots of car sex lmao


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