Isabelle Rose Sharpe Cushing

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The picture on the right is what her clothes would look like. She is played by Miranda Kerr.

Just know that when Edith and Alan escaped that was in 1849 in December

Name: Isabelle Rose Sharpe Cushing

Age: 22

Birthday: May 22 1850

Edith Cushing-Mother - 46 (24 when she was born)
Carter Cushing-Grandfather Deceased
Alan McMichael-'Uncle' 48
Thomas Sharpe- Unknown Father Deceased

Looks: Dark Brown hair in small waves down to the middle of her back, brown eyes like her mother and father, she is a good height of 5'5

Personality: Sweet, friendly, Curious, tough (when need be), mean (when need be), smart, creative/artistic, confident, honest/truthful, Optimistic

Background: She was born 3 months after her mother escaped from Crimson peak with Alan. Isabelle has been great in school and has two friends that's been with her since they were very little. His name is William Wilson. And the other fruend's name is Cecilia Cheshire. Isabelle has a job with her mom and Will where her grandfather worked and is doing fairly well for being on her own. She still lives with her mom in her house that she's lived in her whole life. Isabelle plans not to be married for a while. Or forever for that matter. But everything changes when he comes to town.

This is a story idea that has been in the back of my head for the longest time! I hope you guys will like it and I will try to keep updating on all of my stories as much as I can!

Love you! Maggie

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