Chapter 43 **Jeff's Birthday Part One**

Start from the beginning

"I thought you knew, considering you are Jeff's girlfriend."

"Well, he never told me! Now what am I gonna do?"

You sat on your bed in defeat, holding your head in your hands, vulgar curses escaping your mouth quietly.

Slender sighed.

You felt the mattress dip down next to you, and it took everything not to fall into the figure sitting beside you from the sudden weight.

"I woke you up to help prepare everything around the house, child. But since you did not get anything for Jeff yet, you may go out and get him a gift while the rest of us finish preparing for the party."

You turned to look up at Slender's 'face'.

"What time is it right now?"

"8 o'clock. It is likely that he will not wake up until at least 11, so you have a few hours."

You graciously smiled.

"Thank you, Slender." You wrapped your arms around him in a bear hug, thanking him.

"You better go now, (y/n)."

You nodded, hopping to your feet. As Slender left your room, you picked up the clothes that you had dropped to the floor, and carefully chose what to wear. The minute you were finished getting ready for the day, you were out the door, heading for town.


"What do you mean it's $3000? It's a fucking knife!" You growled, glaring at the salesman. You were in a shop armed to the max with weapons, currently looking at a simple knife. You thought Jeff would like it, but instead of buying it, you were in a heated argument with the worker behind the counter.

"Watch your language, young lady! It's a limited edition collector's knife, any less than $3000 would be blasphemy! It's handle is made from fine ebony, and the blade is as sharp and strong as some of the most expensive knives known to date! $3000 is a bargain price!"

"I don't even have that much money! And I've seen that knife at other places before! It's not rare!" You slammed your fist on the glass counter, determined to win the argument.

"Look, kid. We're the only ones that have it in stock at the moment. And demand for it is high, what do you expect? It's business. So take it or leave it, you won't find another one anywhere else." The worker crossed his arms, smirking pompously. His tone took a complete 180°.

"That's your cheapest knife?" You scowled.

He nodded. "Take it or leave it."

"Oh, I'm leaving it. Asshole." You turned around, storming out of the store. Well, that was your last hope. Jeff would be awake in a half hour, and you didn't have the money for the knife, or the time to find something else. You already tried five different stores, none of which had anything that was affordable or desirable.

With sagging shoulders and a heavy heart, you set on your way back to the Creepypasta Mansion to make it in time for your boyfriend's birthday.


You arrived with just two minutes to spare. Well, Jeff was already awake, but Slender had sent BEN to keep him busy so you could get back in time.

Soon after your arrival, the two males came downstairs, and everyone jumped out, yelling "SURPRISE!" Jeff expected it, though, and rolled his eyes at the familiar annual gesture.

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