Keep Me Awake

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Gerard lay impatiently in bed. In a few minutes, his daddy would walk in to cuddle before going to sleep. Just as Gerard thought he was going to become completely impatient, Frank entered the room. "Hey kitten." He cooed, sitting on Gerard's bedside and kissing his cheek.

Gerard smiled as Frank climbed into bed next to him, holding him close in his arms. Gerard leaned his head on Frank's chest, his grip on Frank's shirt. "You tired at all, kitten?" Frank asked, sliding his hand through his baby's hair. Gerard shook his head. "Nu-uh." He said. Frank sighed, it normally took a while to convince Gerard to even get into bed. It was hard enough getting him asleep when he was tired.

"You know you gotta sleep, kitten." Frank said. "No sleep." Gerard complained. "Baby," Frank consulted. "You gotta get some sleep." Gerard whined. "I don't want to..." He pouted. Frank gently slid his hand through Gerard's hair. "Tomorrow we'll do whatever baby wants... Okay?" He said, hoping that would convince Gerard. "Okay..." Gerard lied. He thought he could stay up with his stuffies all night and then play with his daddy tomorrow. He didn't need to sleep, and he didn't want to.

"Thank you, kitten." Frank said, kissing Gerard's forehead. He cradled Gerard in his arms for a while, leaving him resting on his sheets under his warm blankets. Frank slowly crept out of the room, trying to not wake his baby who wasn't asleep at all.

Gerard kept one eye open barely and watched Frank get up and leave. Once he was gone, he sat up, pulling all his stuffies closer. He held one of his pillows tightly in his arms, using it as a type of security blanket. The longer he sat up awake, the more impatient he got. How long until tomorrow? What time will daddy wake me up? How long do I have to wait? The questions filled his head with anxiety.

So badly he wanted to get up and get his daddy, bringing him back for more cuddles. But he knew daddy would scold him if he knew he was still awake. He hated making his daddy mad. It hurt him as much as it hurt Frank. Maybe more. But nothing could compare to how Frank felt when Gerard would cry. Every time, he'd end up crying as well.

I don't need sleep. Gerard told himself. I'll show daddy I don't need sleep. And then we can stay up late and cuddle. That's right, that's right. I'll show him. Gerard tried his best to keep his word to himself, but faced pure boredom. What wasn't yet an hour felt like an eternity.

He waited longer, his impatience growing. He wasn't getting tired, no. He couldn't get tired. He wouldn't. Sometimes his mind told him to sleep, but he pushed the thoughts away. He wanted to show his daddy he could stay up, that he was a big boy. It didn't sound so hard, no, not at all. So why was he facing so many problems?

His mind wandered as he sat there, asking questions. He wondered what daddy was doing, and wanted to go downstairs and see. But he remembered, daddy said getting up when he should be asleep is a no. Unless it's a real problem, he wasn't allowed to get up. So he waited a little longer.

Slowly his bedroom door opened, and Gerard quickly turned his head to see Frank peering inside. "Hey... What's kitten still doing up?" He asked. "No tired." Gerard whined. "I can stay up late, see daddy? No tired. Nu-uh." Gerard said shaking his head. Frank pouted. "Baby, you need sleep. Go to bed, kitten. Daddy isn't going to be happy if he sees you awake again." Frank warned, closing the door. Gerard pouted, he didn't want to sleep. And he wasn't tired, no. But he didn't want to make daddy mad.

Maybe half an hour later Gerard was still sitting awake in bed. He twiddled with his fingers in his lap, waiting impatiently for the morning to come. But it was late, not even close to when he'd usually wake up. Moments later Frank checked in on him again. He peered through the door, seeing Gerard still wide awake. "Baby, I told you to go to sleep. Your making daddy frustrated." Frank said, trying to not upset Gerard. "Sorry daddy..." Gerard replied softly.

"Go to bed, baby. If I see you awake again, your getting a punishment." Frank warned. "No punishment!" Gerard whined. "Don't talk back to me, baby. Get some sleep." Frank scolded. "But I'm not tired!" Gerard kept whining. "Baby, you need to sleep. Right now." Frank said, starting to loose his patience. "But I don't want to..." Gerard complained. "I know you don't want to, but you have to. Go to sleep, baby." Frank said for a final time, beginning to close the door. "No daddy! Don't go!"

Frank paused, looking back at Gerard who was sucking his thumb. "Don't go, daddy. I'm lonely." Gerard said softly, his thumb in his mouth. "Baby... Don't be lonely. I'm always right outside your door, okay? And you know you always call daddy when you need him." Frank said softly. "But I need daddy now..." Gerard replied, still sucking his thumb. Frank didn't want to leave Gerard feeling upset like this, but he needed him to go to sleep. "Hey... I'm right outside the door. I'm not leaving you, baby. You get some sleep and I'll check on you. Don't be awake again. Can you promise daddy?" Frank asked to which Gerard nodded.

Still Gerard refused to sleep, even when promising his daddy he would. A few minutes later Frank checked on him again, Gerard still awake in his bed. "Why aren't you asleep yet? You promised daddy you'd go to sleep." Frank said, getting frustrated with Gerard's behavior. "I'm sorry, daddy..." Gerard said softly, laying his face down in his knees, wrapping his arms around them. "Your not listening to daddy, that's not good. You know that. So why didn't you listen?" Frank asked. Gerard stayed silent. "Don't ignore me, baby." Frank repeated, but Gerard gave no reply.

Softly, Gerard began crying. He tried to keep quiet so Frank wouldn't hear, but Frank could hear his muffled cries and sniffles. Frank sat down on Gerard's bed next to him, wrapping his arms around his baby. "Hey... Why's kitten crying?" Frank asked, feeling bad for getting angry with Gerard. "I-I didn't listen to daddy..." Gerard muffled, still crying softly. "A-And now he's mad..." Frank slid his hand through Gerard's hair. "No, baby, no... Daddy's not mad..." Frank said softly, holding Gerard close. Gerard looked up at his daddy, who wiped the tears from down his cheeks. "Daddy's not mad... Don't worry... I love you so much, so so much..." Frank cooed, kissing Gerard's forehead.

Gerard laid his head down on Frank's chest. "I'm sorry... Daddy..." Gerard whimpered. "Shh... It's okay, baby... Everything's okay..." Frank purred, running his hand through Gerard's hair. Gently Frank cooed Gerard to sleep, staying with him the whole night. He stayed, holding Gerard close as they both drifted off to sleep. He stayed, and he never left Gerard feeling alone.


This chapter was co-written by the lovely MelJaneO who kinda hates DD/LB stories but helped me with this chapter anyways! XD

Anyways, let me know what you think in the comments and I'll be happy to take suggestions.

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