What every good gang need is......Initiation!

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„[Ffff/nnnnn...], wake uuup." some voice sang to you. You slowly opened your eyes only to see Ruby's face. Really close to yours. Your eyes went wide open and you slightly backed „Aaah! Don't do that to me Ruby!". She frowned a little and looked sad. You chuckled this sight and actually felt a little bad. „Ohh I am sorry Little Red. You just surprised me." you said and patted her head making her smile.

Around you was a lot of people, preparing their gear, waking up or just chatting. The ones waking up was the least numerous group as almost everyone was ready. Even the spot next to you was already empty. You looked around and searched the place for Vinc. Then you saw him comming to you with Yang.

„Hello sleepy head. My sister told me about you yesterday and to be honest you got my eye too, names' Yang!" the shiny blonde shouted at you and extended her hand towards you. You took it and smiled. „My name is [f/n], pleasure to meet you." with that you moved your eyes to Vinc next tu her And I see there is now no need for introducing you to them, huh?" you chuckled.

He shrugged and smiled „What can I say, I couldn't just wait for you to wake up. Beside that, girls here agreed that you look cute when you sleep.". Yang winked at you and Ruby blushed looking away. You smiled at them with raised brow. ‚Cute, huh? This is first time that someone said that... And it even got me more sleeping time so I'll call it jackpot.' you thought as you packet your blanket and changed into your normal clothes (being carefull to hide from Yang's eyes the best you could) and readied your weapons.

During that time Ruby chattered about the incoming initiation. You wasn't showing it, but you were excited too. In your head you pondered who would you like to have in your team. Sure there was Vinc. Then maybe Jaune, ok he probably needed more training, but he was cool guy and goot to talk. Ruby would be great addition. Her speed, weapon enthusiasm, cheery nature and friendliness would be pleasant to have around. But she would probably want to be in team with Yang... Well you wouldn't mind to to be in team with her either.

When you finnished your preparations you saw that Yang was looking at you. You smile dat her and waited if need something. She smirked and crossed her hands. „So. You guys have know who you want in your team? Or are there remaining spots free?" she asked, shifting her eyes between you and Vinc. You noticed Vinc didn't talk to much since you woke up, but then you remember that he never really talked to anyone even back at the shop. He turned to you with silent question, Ruby did the same.

„Well I think if some nice girls would like to be in our team, we wouldn't argue." you joked, making Yang giggle. Vinc just rolled his eyes and Ruby seemed confused. „So you already have someone on your mind?" she pouted. Yang leaned to her sister and whispered into her ear „He is talking about us you dolt...". After that Ruby's face brightened and she smiled.

Now it was time for Vince to finally speek up „Umm girls? Shouldn't you two go and prepare? We are ready and it will all probably start soon.". You all looked at him. Ruby squeeled and sprinted to get her gear without saying bye. Yang on the other hand calmly got up and waved at you and Vinc „OK, bye for now guys, but be sure I am gonna find you again.". You grinned and waved too.

When she left, you and Vinc went outside of the great hall. You went by Jaune who was just between Weiss and the red haired girl from yesterday. You bowed your head at him as greetings but he was too drawn in by his talk. Which you understand when you looked at the girl he was talking to. She was pretty and has probably the most kind eyes you ever saw.

Sound of intercom interupted a small talk between you and Vinc. „All first year student report to beacon cliff for initiation, again...".

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