Clingy (Overprotective! Reader x Naomi)

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Requested by Caitlin_Dependent, here you go, enjoy!


"But he was staring!" You exclaim at the smaller brunette next to you.

Currently, you and Naomi were walking home from school, but as you both passed an alley, a group of boys who didn't look very friendly, were eyeing Naomi in a lewd gaze, which pissed you off.

Naomi rolled her eyes, "Your overreacting, (Y/N)-san." You huffed, shoving your hands in your pockets as you slightly walked ahead of her.

Getting a little distracted, you walked ahead more until you were a few feat ahead of Naomi, ignoring her shouting out your name. The shouting soon suddenly turned into screaming. You turned around, and saw the alley boys dragging her back into the alley.

You were fuming with anger. But mostly at yourself for leaving her side. You rolled up your sleeves and jogged into the alley.

You threw a punch at the nearest guy, sending him stumbling back on his backside. You grabbed another guy by the collar and threw him into the wall with strong force, making him crumble on the floor. The two others were currently trying to yank Naomi's shirt off, until they turned to face your fury.

They let go of Naomi, who quickly ran around them and behind you. You stuck your arm out protectively in front of her. "That's quite enough, fellas." Your grinding your teeth in anger, hands balling into fists. They looked at you with little smirks, and walked slowly towards you.

You glared at them, making them stop and chuckle. "Any more steps and you'll both end up like your friends over there." You motioned to the other two, who looked like they were in comatose. They held back another chuckle at that. "Oh yeah? And what will you," He poked you in the chest with a boney finger, "Do about it?"

You looked down at his finger prodding you, then back up at his face with the deadliest glare you could muster.


You raised your leg right in between his crotch, making him sink to his knees, clutching his sack. The other guy looked at you in disbelief, before pulling out a pocket knife from the inside of his leather jacket. He motioned with his hands to come at him.

You ran towards him, and threw your fist right into his ugly face. Although he sank to ground, you felt a slight prick in your forearm. Lifting your arm, you saw that he had managed to wedge the small knife in your skin. You closed your eyes, preparing for the intense pain, before grabbing it roughly and pulling it out.

You sucked in a yelp, and threw the knife to the ground. You clutched your forearm.

Turning around, you saw Naomi covering her mouth with her hands. She quickly ran up to you in a panicked worry. "Oh my god! (Y-N)-san, are you alright?! Here, I have something to stop the bleeding." Naomi picked up her school bag in a hurry, raking about until she found what she was looking for.

She pulled out a red material you couldn't really figure out what it was, but you didn't bother to question her as she wrapped it tightly around your forearm. She then dug out her phone. "I'll call the police, then an ambulance." You nodded at her with small smile.

After the phone call, Naomi looked up at you with a sad smile. "They'll be here soon." You nodded again.

You lifted up your good arm, and stroked Naomi's cheek delicately. "But are you alright, Naomi?" You asked. She leaned into your touch.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me. But I'm worried about you. Are you alright?" She asked, lifting her hands up to cup your face. You closed your eyes and sighed.

"I'll live."

She giggled lightly, then sighed. You hummed curiously.

"It's just that... That you were annoyed with me, and you still saved me... Why was that, (Y-N)-san?" She asked, stroking her thumb over your cheek.

You laughed as you opened your eyes, and leaned down to peck her lips.

"I guess I'm just clingy."


Sorry if it's short!

Corpse Party One-Shots! (Done)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz