Chapter Two

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Chapter Two:

     “Violet, our only option is to send you into the Rift. I cannot heal your bites, mostly because of the rank of the demon that put them there. He was… higher than most demons that are freed to walk Earth. I’m sorry, but I will have to send you into a coma in order for your body to heal itself. And there is a chance you won’t wake up.” Raziel let his white-grey eyes wander across my face, resting on the bite mark that marred my throat. I could see the fear and regret in his eyes, but there was something more that marked his face.

     Jax tensed next to me. “Raz, we can’t. We both know she will die. Isn’t there anything that we can do? Anything at all?”

     The angel shook his head before turning his back to us, revealing the silvery lining of his wings. “I’m afraid not. This is the best we can do. Only the demons can heal her now, and they would be more likely to finish the job than help her. Not that any of us want those wretched things anywhere near us.”

     I nodded as much as I could before getting dizzy again and groaning. “I don’t feel too good…” My body was engulfed in a burning heat and I could feel my sweat trickling down my forehead into my eyes. Someone needed to end this torture before I died without any chance at survival. At least if they sent me into the Rift, I would have a shot, right? A scream ripped out of my throat and suddenly there was a cold chill dancing right above my stomach.

     Raziel was holding his hand above me, concentrating harder than I had seen before. “Violet, I won’t be able to hold the fire off for long, so you need to make your choice now. Do you want to take your chance in the Rift?”

     I nodded frantically. “Please, Raz. I have to complete what I started. If going into the Rift will give me a fair chance then I will take it.” Jax opened his mouth to protest and I struggled to lift my hand so that I could place my finger over his lips. “No. I can do this. I’m stronger than you all give me credit for.

     Raziel grunted quietly, trying to keep focus. “Once in the Rift, you will have to fight your demons. Physically. It’s the only way to get out. You will have to face them and succeed. Good luck, child. I hope to see you on the other side.”

     In one fell swoop, I was being thrust into the abyss known as the Rift, where the just go to die, and the evil go to conquer.

I woke with a start, the ground hot against my cheek, even as I shivered in pain. My entire body ached, as if I had been pummeled by some heavy weight champion. I pushed myself up onto my knees, looking around at the burning wasteland that I had been sent into. Was this truly the Rift? It seemed more like Hell.

Standing up, a groan escaped my lips. I looked down at my wrist and there was no bite mark. As a matter of fact, my entire body was in perfect shape. There were no scars or bruises. Just flawless pale skin, like that of a full-fledged angel. I smiled gently at the thought. I wanted nothing more than to become an angel, no matter the cost. But I had too much blood on my hands for that to ever happen.

“Hey, you! What are you doing here? You don’t belong here, Assassin.” I whirled around to see a little boy with pitch black eyes looking me over as if I had just got through murdering his parents. I tilted my head slightly, trying to figure out where I had seen him before. “What? Don’t you remember?”

I swallowed hard, knowing that I wasn’t going to like what he told me. “Listen, kid. I don’t know you.”

“So you don’t remember killing my family right in front of me? They were possessed and you didn’t even try to exorcize them! You just killed them all. One after another, until you finally got to me. I was the last one the demon possessed and you slit my throat like you weren’t even human.” His voice took on a deeper tone as h began to morph into something of nightmares.

His skin turned black and his eyes began to blaze red as he stalked toward me, pointed teeth flashing. I backed away, looking around for a way out, but it was just miles upon miles of wastelands. There would be no escape. I cursed under my breath and looked down at my belt, relieved to see that I had two blades strapped to my waist. At least I had a fighting chance.

The demon child laughed harshly. “I see that you still won’t hesitate to kill a child. How can you live with yourself? You’re worse than any of us thought!” It mocked me as it began to circle me. I watched and it just growled, sounding suspiciously like an animal. “So tell me, Violet, when will your reign of terror end? When will you STOP KILLING!”

I screamed in frustration and the demon stopped moving. I glared at it. “Do you think this is easy for me? Do you think I don’t suffer every day because of what I have to do to save my world from the likes of you? I don’t want to kill people, but shit happens. Demons cause this. Demons are why I had to kill YOU!” I paused for a moment, pulling my blades out of my belt. “What if you had killed your friends? What would you have done?”

The demo slowly took on the form of the little boy once again, looking distraught. “But I was only eight years old. I was a child and you killed me. You murdered our world’s future. All to protect your precious werewolf, Jax. Does he mean so much to you that you would fight the entire underworld for him? Maybe we should go after him next.”

     “You leave him alone, you little bitch. You put one grimy hand on him and I will skin you. One inch at a time.” I was seeing red, but it seemed to amuse the demon that still wore the boy’s skin. “Try it and see what happens.”

     It laughed and stepped a little closer. “Did you know that he is in love with you? The wolf… in love with an Assassin. Oh, the humor I find in that. Little does he know, that you won’t ever love him back. You will fall into the hands of the enemy and you will die. You will die. Alone.”

     “He doesn’t love me. I would know.” I whispered, feeling my heart sink as I realized what the demon was saying. Could it be true? Was Jax in love with me? No. Surely not. We were just best friends.

     “And here I thought Angels were supposed to see everything. It turns out that you are just a little too human, aren’t you?” It lunged at me and I tumbled backwards, thrusting my blade up into his throat as he fell on top of me.

His screams of anguish echoed through the Rift, and he turned his blazing eyes to me once more. “Lucifer will deal with your insolence, and I will be there to watch him peel your flesh from your bones and use it as parchment for his new laws over Earth. Through you, humanity will lose.”

Then only black dust was left as it burned up and drifted to the ground. I realized I was shaking and stood up, trying to wipe the demon remains off of me and keep calm. What the hell had just happened?

 I shuddered, turned around and started walking in a random direction, hoping that maybe, just maybe I could get out of here without any other altercations, but I knew deep down that this was only the beginning.




I saw her walking towards me, even though she couldn’t see me. I smiled in triumph as she stepped onto a trap and a cage of energy went up around her, glowing bright like a beacon. It was then that I chose to step out of the shadows and reveal myself to her, fangs extended slightly with excitement. What could I say? I liked a girl who was paralyzed with fear.

“Hello, Assassin. I’ve been waiting for you.” I said to her, and her head whipped towards me, causing her white-blonde hair to dance around her head. A growl ripped out my throat when I saw her ice blue eyes. It took me a moment to regain my composure, but when I did, I smiled at her.

I could hear her pulse rushing through her veins. “Who the hell are you? Get away from me.”

“Ah, someone has a filthy mouth. I think I might like that.” I leaned in and grabbed her arm before commanding the trap to release her. She tried to yank herself away from me, but I wasn’t having it. Her scent washed over me and my fangs elongated enough that she saw them and began screaming obscenities  at me. I quickly covered her mouth and whispered against her ear. “I am having your body taken from that wretched camp and you are going to wake up in my home. So allow me to be the first to welcome you to Hell.”    

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