Chapter 1

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It happened so fast... I can't even remember what had happened before.

Oh, sorry, I forgot to introduce myself - I'm Evelyn. I guess this is how my story begin.


° | Isn't it such a sad thing when your family is throwing you away in some sort of foster home? Well, trust me, it is. Right now I am lying in an uncomfortable bed, writing my story on paper. I guess this helps me getting rid of the anger inside of me. How could they throw me away as I was a paper? I am a human!

Anyway, at least he came with me. He is Daniel, but you can call him Danny. He doesn't like his name that much. Nor do I - I mean, Evelyn? Call me Evie and we will be besties. But back to my story; I am locked in this room with him. He keeps pacing back and forth, holding his head with his hands. It starts scaring me. What is wrong with him? At least I am here. You know what, confession? I have businesses to finish and writing my emotions off won't make anything else but waste my precious time. | °

"Hey, Danny..." I said, trying not to mumble; although this is what I keep doing from a little while. I guess the fear speaks, literally.

"What?!" he snapped, his voice unusually raspy. What the heck is wrong with him?

"Calm down and tell me what is going on?" I asked, standing up and approaching him.

"Calm down? How could I possibly do that? We are fucking locked up in a cell! Don't tell me to calm down, Evelyn!" he yelled, his voice echoing inside my head. He also approached dangerously to me, looking straight into my eyes as he wants to pierce my broken heart.

"Technically, this is just a room. If we try hard enough we can break out." I said softly, shrugging my shoulders, turning on my toes and wandering in what seemed to be our room.

I don't understand why my family would do that, despite my begs and cries. I thought they are nice people, but we are all mistaken, aren't we? They called me crazy, so I guess they hatred the fact that I don't stand up for their preferences. But that's okay too - they will pay for it someday, someway.

Right now I wonder how can I calm him down. I can trouble my mind later with the cowards in my life.

"Danny, please!" I whispered, running to him and throw my arms around his torso, hugging him, as I rest my head on his shoulder.

"F-Fine." he mumble, turning around; I know he wants to scream his lungs out and break down the door, but he tries his best with tranquility.

I hugged him tightly, not saying a word. What could I actually? Hey bastard, you should keep your nerves low if you want to escape from this dirty prison. Nope, he would kill me the next moment. And I love my life, no matter what had happened or who left me behind. I've been given this life with a reason right? I can stand all the obstacles, I know I can.

"I'm sorry..." he soon spoke, waking me up. I was lost in his scent with my eyes closed. Thanks to whoever would listen to me, for bringing him here with me! I don't know what I would've done without him right beside me.

"That's okay. At least now you're going to be okay, I am here!" I had to remind him that I was still there, just as he was here for me. Sometimes that is what we need.

Unfortunately, our privacy has been officially interrupted by this stranger - he was probably working in there. I rolled my eyes and pulled back, giving him a death glare. That was all I could do. Danny on the otherwise turned his back and found a sit in the bed. I narrowed my eyes at his quiet reaction. A few moments earlier he would've scratch the door like a impatient dog.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2016 ⏰

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