Even if it wasn't a permanent change for her mum, Nichole was incredibly grateful as she pulled out a fork. She jumped onto the couch and flicked to a movie on Netflix, digging into the dinner under her nose. 

She ate quickly, finishing her food in the opening scene of the chick-flick on the screen. She tried to watch, but before she knew it her eyes closed and she was asleep. 


Nichole felt confident that morning. She busted open Alec's door right on time. "Good morning, Alec! Time to get to meds." His head shot up at the call of his name, something that Nichole knew he wasn't used to hearing since he'd been here. 

He rolled his eyes. "I thought you would've been fired already. You didn't come in yesterday. Great for me." Sarcasm spilled from his voice as he stood. It stung Nichole to hear him say that and she frowned. She had thought he'd be warming up to her by now, she'd been accompanying him for three days. 

Alec stood at the door and only moved when Nichole moved so that he was always a few steps behind. It bothered her, but she didn't show it. 

It was only after he got his meds and they were walking into the cafeteria that Alec started walking beside Nichole. Nichole started to steer away to get a tray of breakfast but Alec gripped her elbow, leading her to the table with him. His arm held her so strong it hurt. 

"I don't want food and you're not tricking me into it. I know what you've been doing to me the last few days and you were wrong. It's not any better because I shouldn't be eating in the first place," he hissed, sliding into his seat. 

In the last two days, Nichole used the same tactic she had the first day and it had worked... until now. She wondered what changed. 

"But Alec, they're going to have you eat anyway, it's-" She started sitting down across from him but he interrupted her. 

"No, you're going to have me eat anyway. You're just like them. Oh, and you can stand today, thanks," He hissed to her. 

Nichole felt hurt, being compared to the other nurses. That was the last thing she wanted. Taking a deep breath, she spoke slowly. "I can't change the way you feel about me, but I'm not like them. Do I ask you dumb questions? Do I tell you you're crazy for being dead?" She was angry that he wasn't appreciating the way she treated him. 

A look of shame crossed his face for a second before he went back to staring into space. Sh started panicking; breakfast was nearly over and if he didn't eat before the end he would have to be force fed. 

Nichole was too late. Three nurses walked up with a bowl of porridge and grim looks across their faces. Nichole turned her back and walked straight out the cafeteria; she did not want to watch this. 

Nichole tried to block her ears from the noises of his anguish and protest but it was hard. It only stopped as everyone filed their way out the cafeteria, Alec trailing behind last. 

"I'm sorry," Nichole heard him say quietly and she fell into step beside him. The apology made Nichole grateful, but his shouts rang in the back of her mind. 

It was Alec's therapy session with Jared. She could tell it was one he dreaded; the way he dragged his feet as he walked, hunching his shoulders more than usual. 

They were only ten minutes into the session when Jared started shaking Alec's frail frame, shouting at him. "Fucking talk to me, boy, I can't cure you if you don't speak!" 

Nichole sat tensely, staring at the book that she gripped in her fingers. She wasn't reading the novel though, she eyed the scene before her over the page. 

Nichole saw a tear glint in the boy's eye. Fear. "I don't need to be cured, I'm dead," Alec objected at the same volume as Jared. 

"Well you might as well be," Jared grumbled, throwing Alec back in the bean bag so roughly it made Nichole gasp. 

The room was silent as Jared thought. "Number nine, I shouldn't have to grab you like that. I'll apologise but I expect you to start talking. You don't actually think you're dead, right?" he said, seeming to regret his actions. Nichole was scared of the man. 

Alec raised his head, suddenly realising something. "You're one of them, one of the people she means."

Nichole looked up curiously as Jared glared at him. "What?"

"One of them. The ones who ask dumb questions, the ones who call me crazy for being dead. I thought she meant the nurses, but she means people like you too!" Alec exclaimed, pointing his finger accusingly at Jared. Nichole sat up, trying to keep her face neutral. She was busted, she was fired. 

"Who is telling you such things? Everyone on this staff is helping you, who made you treat them with such disrespect?" Jared spat. 

Alec turned his accusing finger towards Nichole and her heart starting beating faster, faster, faster. 

Jared glared at Nichole and she couldn't meet his eyes. I'm dead, dead, dead, she thought over and over again as he continued staring at her. 

"Number nine, our session is over," he said through gritted teeth. His words were slow and quiet. Threatening. "Head to your room, your next hour will be changed to free time for the day." 

Alec looked between Jared and Nichole; understanding dawned on him. He made a mistake. He completely threw her under the bus. It didn't bother him, did it?

He stood up and quickly left. Nichole went to follow after him, but Jared stood in her way. "No, not you," he said. "I have some things I need to discuss with you."


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