1. Condition set

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''You've got to be kidding me'' Christopher Marchetti roars out whilst pacing the length of his father's office, his brown hair a mess having ran his hands through it countless times, a habit he picked up from the source of his aggression, his father the ever composed Celso Marchetti just sat back and watched his son for a moment longer before uttering ''Now son calm down.'' Only to be received by an aggressive exclamation ''Calm down how In the world is he suppose to calm down after what you've just told us'' Sebastian Alexandrov had always been the more collected out of the two, but in a situation like this no one would really be able to stay completely poised.

''You honestly can't be serious'' Christopher muttered continuing his frenzied pacing, his anger was yet again taking control over him, he much like his companions in his father's office feared he might brake something.

''We are son''  Niko Alexandrov said finally joining the conversation, he had hoped it go much more smoothly, it's not exactly like he was asking his son to be the man's husband, it would be just an act, after all it was all about the business, hah yeah right.

''But were not gay'' Christopher exclaimed coming to a hold, a tinge of a whine lining his voice as he stood between his father and just months ago his father's worst rival, and now they were here ready to be in laws and for what; money.

''Or as a matter of fact ready for marriage'' Sebastian muttered out sarcastically, did his father really expect him to marry Chris, they've known each other since boarding school, heck they've been friends since boarding school, even with their fathers rivalry they still managed to become friends, but that was it, Sebastian did not hold those type of feeling for Chris, how could he possibly marry and spend the rest of his life with him.

''This is for the good of the company'' Niko started diplomatically only to be met with a glare from both his son and Christopher

''Homosexuality is the new normal; heck people love you more for it!'' Celso said with a grin overtaking his face, why were they so against this, it's like they don't want this to happen Celso thought to himself whilst watching the two.

''What better to have two rich billionaire playboys get married'' Niko said getting up from his chair to refill his scotch, Niko was not an avid drinker, but if this situation didn't call for a drink then he didn't know what would.

''This is preposterous, father you can't actually be considering this?'' Seb raged, what was this all about? It couldn't just be business; my father has never really been so forceful about business Seb thought to himself as he watched Chris try to gain his composure.

''And I'm more then positive I've heard you bash the queers when I was growing up papa''

''I am not homophobic; I was just too close minded'' Celso said feeling dejected, he had been like that but for his son he had changed.

''Yes, to a business opportunity, seriously uncle, this is going way to far this time, were talking about our lives here'' Seb grunted out, still thinking about the possible ulterior motives behind this so called marriage.

''It'll be just like being room mates'' Celso offered.

''Only you'll be married'' Niko added with a smirk.

''Both of you are never going to settle down with women anyway, just keep your bed partners as discreet as you have been keeping them and no one will know'' Celso was more than certain that they had never taken women home, hell that was one his clues.

''The vow of marriage is something sacred papa'' Chris didn't know if he'd ever willingly marry but he knew if he ever did he would never cheat, he hated cheater with a passion, they were scum.

''We may not believe in it but if I was ever to get married I'd never cheat on my wife.'' Seb had witnessed what that could do to a family, if his uncle Sasha's wife hadn't cheated their family would still be together, instead Sasha is struggling to raise his teenage daughters who refuse to even see their mother.

''You mean husband'' Celso chuckled finding amusement in his future son in laws discomfort.

''Now is not the time for immature humour'' Niko did not find this amusing, he had always disliked celso's childlike behaviour and this was not the place for it either.

''You'll get married, the companies will merge and you'll be named co owners'' Celso said sobering up from his amusement, he had to make sure they took this seriously,

''Or we merge; find a respectable gay boy that one of us will take in and bam a new owner.'' Niko continued, he had no intention of going through with this, he knew they'd agree and the business would merge.

''Are you serious?'' Christopher asked his blood draining from his face, what in the world are these two thinking, this was, it was... urgh he couldn't think!!

''Deadly'' Niko replied with a serious expression, nearly mirroring Seb's expression ''Father you're not thinking clearly''

''I am, just think about it and give us you decision by the end of the week'' Niko Alexandrov wasn't a man to be messed with, his son thought he was doing this for business but this was all for him, he knew or at least was quite certain that his son and Christopher were together, at least this way Seb and Chris could be together without any fuss from Celso.

''Now off you go'' Celso Marchetti didn't know why Niko came up with this certain deal, but he had only agreed to it for his only son, he had suspected the two were together, since boarding school, but he'd been waiting for his son to come to him, though it started to look like that wasn't going to happen, but by agreeing to this he could assure his sons happiness.

Okay so thank you for reading, please comment, vote & follow xxx

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