Spending time with Grandpa

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It was cold...that was my first thought. We were in Montana for Christmas this year not that I minded but I forgot how cold it was. I was standing near my grandpa's truck, while he fixed the fence that was broken.

"Hey grandpa you sure you don't need help?" I asked for the fifth time. My grandpa let out a deep chuckle and turned towards me.

"No Hal. I got this covered, your grandma is such a worry wort, I didn't even need you here." He said, gathering up his tools. He put them in the back of the truck and waved his hand say he was ready to go. We got into the truck and turned on the heater.

"So, going to tell my about your boyfriend?" he said bluntly. I felt my face heating up and I looked out the window.

"How did you find out about him?"

My grandpa laughed "You check your phone contently and your dad get a scowl on his face when a certain name is mentioned."


"So, going to tell me about him?"

"There really not that much to tell you about Kojuro." I replied. Silence over took the truck, I was staring at the snowy fields. Then a thought came into my head. "I have something to ask you though." I knew my grandpa was listening and I hopefully thought he would remember because Kojuro did fix that curse. "How did you find Keiji Maeda?"

"Ah, so you figured it out did you? I was wondering when you would ask." He said. I looked over at him with wide eyes, he was smiling. "You know not all memories can be erased Hal. Even if you try to get rid of the last few months. Now how I found Keiji is simple, our family comes from a long line of people, which was told a story of a book. Which I assume you know about and this book had a curse that could turn people not just into vampires but other creatures."

"Other Creatures?"

"Yes. Now the book would take many formers, a written manual scrip to scroll to finally a human being. So when Kagami Tazu was killed by Kojuro and when the curse was taking place, the book had latched onto the dying Kagami. Forever making the book human." Said my grandpa as he finished. I just stared, how was I supposed to react to that?

"But..." I thought for a minute "You didn't tell me how you found Keiji."

My grandpa let out a laugh "That is really all you have to say to what I just told you." I smiled and laughed too. He stopped laughing and became quite, I looked over at him and notice that he had a concern look on his face.


"Promise me something Hal. When the time comes..." he started "I don't know how to say it."

"I'll be careful." I said "I promise."

"I know you will." He said setting his hand on my head.

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