Chapter 47.5 - Friendship

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Chapter 47.5 - Friendship

- Shi's POV -

It began in college. Themis Legal Academy to be exact.

Themis Legal Academy is a school meant for students who want to be involved with the study of law. It had a course for defense lawyers, prosecutors, judges and agents.

I took the Agent Course. Since my father was a leader in my hometown of Zheng Fa, I chose to take the opportunity to study more about Interpol to get myself to a higher status of an investigator.

The days seemed long, but it was all worth it. Themis Legal Academy was definitely meant for the elite and every professor expected a lot out of the students. It was a great challenge that I was willing to take.

And that's when I met another challenge.

It was our time for a break. Me and some friends were talking in a hallway, just standing around and then I saw her.

She held her books close to her as she walked past us with her friends.

"Yo, Lang! Lang! Are you listening?", my friends asked me as I snapped out of my trance.

"Y-Yeah? What happened?"

My other friend nudged my arm, " were looking at that girl weren't you?"

I stupidly blushed, "N-No, what are you talking about!"

"Ay! Lang's got a crush!"

My friends started to tease me as I just gave in.

That's when my friend spoke to me, "Her name is Natalie June. A student in the Lawyer Course. I heard she's a top ranking student in her class and pretty beautiful too."

I watched her walk towards the end of the hallway, thinking about how her name caught my attention.

Natalie June...

After that, I tried to figure out a way to approach her without looking strange, but I never found the courage to do so.

She just became a girl that I secretly had a crush on.

Then, one day...

A mock trial was made and everyone from all the courses came to watch it. She was the defense attorney facing another student who was the prosecutor.

After the long trial, she lost to the prosecutor. A lot of people were upset at how she failed to save the defendant and the teachers were surprised.

I was shocked.

This result...coming from a top student?!

After that day, she had a completely different aura around her. The happy face turned sad and emotionless.

I knew that simple words would be something to cheer her up, but I kept my mouth shut.

I let her walk away and turn the corner when I heard books fall to the ground. I immediately went to the corner and eavesdropped carefully.

"You're such an amateur!" "How were you even accepted into this school?!"

She was on the ground as her fellow classmates kept insulting her. All she did was tremble with fear with her fists clenched on the floor.

I stepped towards her and stood in front of her, "That's enough!"

She looked at me with surprise as I had a serious look in my eyes. I continued, "Even though she lost this trial, she still got pretty far. It was obvious that she had the skill, courage and effort to be a lawyer. So, don't say she's an amateur. Every person makes mistakes, it's just the part of improving yourself. Don't tell me that she's the only one in this entire school who has made a mistake. I bet you have too."

The students were shocked as if it were true.

"So, I would suggest that you get off her back now, because you are not helping yourselves."

With that, the students left. I turned to her as I grabbed her books and showed my hand. I gave her a smile, "Let me help you."

She looked up at me, made a gentle grin and took my hand, "Thank you, umm.."

"The name's Shi. Shi Long Lang."

"It's nice to meet you, Shi," she replied as we shook hands.

We became good friends after that day. We acted childish in our own ways and just had fun.

Despite her sensitive and serious personality, she was very kind and thoughtful.

Even when I would be against her defending someone, she would say, "When there is a case to solve, I have learned to never lose my grip on it. My friend is the defendant. I can't just leave them be. When there is a case like that in front of me, I must take it."

That just reminded me of how strong her determination would always be. It was one thing I always adored.

However, I always knew that she was out of my league.

I was heading home when I noticed something. Instead of crossing the street, I noticed Natalie talking to a man in a red suit. Then, the man walked away from her as she stood still, watching him go.

She turned around and revealed her face, covered in tears.

She stopped when she noticed me, "Shi? What are you--"

I went straight to the point. "That man...who was he?"

She looked down, "An old friend..."

"Why are you crying?"

She explained, "My friends and I haven't seen him in years. We have been trying to help him, but all he's done was leave us in the dark. He.....he can't even talk to me anymore."

I was silent and then I spoke, "Do you love him?"

She looked at me with surprised as I waited for her answer.

From that moment, I knew...that her heart was somewhere else..

She nodded as I pulled her gently towards me and hugged her.

This was the least I could do. For her sake and for mine. I knew that I had to be there for her and help when she needed me.

- Normal POV -

In the embassy...

"I'm glad everything worked out between the two of you, Natalie," Shi said.

I stopped writing on my notepad and looked at him, "What do you mean?"

"Mr. Prosecutor, he was your "old friend" right?"

"What?", I was silent and speechless, "How long have you known?"

"I'm an Agent. You should have known that I would find out sooner or later."

I was silent and then he spoke up, "I'm happy for you, Natalie." He looked at me, "He's a lucky guy."

He continued to look around the area as I watched him with a smile.

Thank you, Shi.

....Thank you for being a great friend.

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