Chapter 1

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Charm pov
charm in the mm.

I walked down the hall with a smile on my face being greeted by students and male teachers I walked into my class room settling down as the students came threw the door gossiping.

"hurry, hurry, come sit down let's get started with the day now."

Everyone went to there seats sitting down it started to get quiet as everyone paid attention to me.

"welcome back panthers, now that you all are back you have very big test coming up do y'all know about the test that's coming up?"

They all knobbed but one boy named Tonio blurted out

"man we come back having to take test give us some slack!"

"if it was up to me I would but I can't do anything about it get your books out and turn to page 145."

One of my students named vontay said"what page 145 on?"

everybody laughed as he looked at me confused.

Tonio said"thats a fucking neck!" he reached over giving vontay a neck.

"watch your mouth Tonio!" I said sternly.


After I finished up at work I grabbed my paper work heading out the class room only to be knocked down.

"oh excuse me sir." I said as I picked up my paper.

"oh it's all good Mrs....." he trailed off.

"Smith." I looked up to see the new teacher.

Other teachers has been all on him every since he got here which was like last week he even have students throwing themselves at him boys, girls,all besides me.

"sorry for bumping into you I wasn't watching where I was going."

"it's all good Mrs. Smith I'm Mr Howard by the way." he held out his hand as I shook it.

"that's a nice rock on your finger, who's the lucky guy?" he added.

I chuckled and said"you was quick to notice that."

"who couldn't."

"a lot of people, but if you don't mind Mr Howard I have to get going."

"okay I'll see you around Mrs Smith."

I walked outside and got into my car heading home to my fiance Bryson.

I'm only 24 and I teach I have a fiance and a nice car and a gorgeous house not to mention my little brother lives with me and my fiance. I don't have any kids yet bryson says he's not ready to make that happen.

I pulled up into my long drive way and got out my car I walked to the door step opening the door with my house keys I walked inside and set my keys on the table as I headed upstairs to get situated.

When ever my little brother isn't here I would go outside and sit on the porch until he comes. His hickey head ass know he have a curfew but he always go over the time.

When I took my shower and got dressed into some comfortable clothes I walked downstairs and went out the front door and sat on my porch waiting for my little brother to come home.

August pov

"nigga what you shakin' fa?" I asked chris as he held the gun shaking.

"Aug man I never shot a gun before bruh."

"if ya wanna be in tha' game ya gotta past this fuckin' test, c'mon na' chris just shoot it at tha glass."

He took a deep breath and held the gun up shooting the glass.

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