Chapter 2

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Amy Rose groaned as she rubbed her stomach, which was growling back at her. She had one chilli dog too many, as Sonic The Hedgehog came speeding by, not noticing the pink humanoid hedgehog. Amy crossed her legs as she farted loudly, blushing as Sonic came passing by again, noticing.

"Another farting problem, Amy?" Sonic bewilderly stated in disbelief as he placed his hands on his hips, looking at Amy profoundly, "You really know how to chow down those chilli dogs, Ames..."

Amy grabbed Sonic, looking at him eye to eye as she sniffled. "Oh, Sonic! I couldn't help myself! I was too hungry!" She farted loudly again, prompting her to cry out waterfalls, with Sonic trying to pull away much to his displeasure.

Nearby, Vector The Crocodile was walking past the two humanoids, reading the red covered enclosed instruction book on how to FIX the computer room, when Am's third fart shook the ground, causing the enclosed instruction book to fall out of Vector's grasp and tumble downhill. Vector screamed in shock as he followed the enclosed instruction book, punching the trees out of his way as he tried catching up.

Sonic frowned as Silver The Hedgehog came by, who was curious as to what the earthquake was. Sonic was about to explain to Silver, when a loud tuba-like fart was loud enough to cause Amy's red dress to be lifted in front of them. Sonic and Silver both blushed as their eyes widened, the male hedgehogs takings a step back as Amy continued crying her eyes out.

"So, she's extremely gassy?" Silver asked as he sighed, folding his arms as he closed his eyes. "Sounds a bit like someone else I know..."

Sonic frowned as he tilted his head to the right. "We haven't had any luck to figure out how to stop her. It's quite crazy." He cringed as he had horrible thoughts. "The last time Amy farted big, it killed all of us..."

Silver continued thinking as he snapped his fingers. "That's it! I'll be right back Sonic!" The albino humanoid psychic hedgehog ran off to the left, knowing what to do.

Sonic prayed for the best as Amy hugged him tightly, a fifth fart lifting her dress once again as it revealed how disgusting her panties got. Sonic tried his best to comfort Amy, as much as he detested it.

Amy Rose's Farting ProblemWhere stories live. Discover now