Killing secrets chapter 2

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I wake up ice cold water being poured on top of my head. My brother is over my pillow.

"I found the secret." I tell like my brother.

He looks at me like im crazy and says

"You had a dream again." He walks off and I start to get tears in my eyes.

I thought hat i had actually found the secret, but it was all just a dream.

I walk over to my mirror and wash my face off.

I change into a blue top and white jean shorts. I think that dream was a sign. So I am defenetly going to the forest today.

I watch the bird fly across my window. I love animals.

I walk out of my room and grab my blue hoodie from the banister and put it on. I wonder that adventures will await me.

Killing secretsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora