Chapter 4 || Brothers & Competition II

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Onwards to the next chapter!!

Third POV:

"I'm definitely going to run the next one..." Yukihime grumbled when the thought of not running hit her. "Yeah. Yeah. Just watch." Keito said to her in annoyance of her grumbling. She huffed. Teito chuckled at their one-sided argument and patted Yukihime on the head. "Don't worry, you'll be able to soon." He said and Yukihime smiled back at him and hugged him tightly. "Tei-Nii is still the best brother." She said purposely to tease Keito. "Seriously?! I thought it was equal!" He burst. Yukihime just turned her head towards him and stuck out her tongue, teasing Keito more. Keito got Yukihime to let go of Teito and put her in a headlock. "You little...!" Keito exclaimed with a ticked mark on his forehead. As always, she was used to the headlocking and just laughed.

Teito just chuckled at us then turned to the stage. "Hey, let's just watch." He said. The two youngest Kazuma siblings turned to the stage as the competition was about to start.

-with Riku and the others-

"Teams, line up in running order!" A official holding a red flag on the left and a blue on the right up said. The right stood Honan Stride Club, with the relationer, Nana, nearest to the man. Following her was Riku, Hozumi, Heath, Ayumu and finally, Takeru. On the left side of the official stood the Saisei Stride Club, with their relationer, Shizuma, nearest to the official, followed by Asuma, Bantaro, Tasuku and finally Kaede.

The teams then went their separate ways to their different locations.

-Riku & Asuma-

The two stood at the start as they were the ones to start the race. "Hey." Asuma called to Riku ad they were stretching, getting ready to start the race. "Hmm?" Riku hummed in reply. "This might be a bit weird to ask before running, but..." Asuma trailed off. "What?" Riku asked, getting a little impatient. "Are you Yagami Tomoe's otouto?" Asuma asked him. "Ah-" Riku started in surprise at the question. But before he could answer, Asuma exclaimed, "Ah, sorry! This really isn't the time for this. Forget I said that. Today we run with nothing weird on our minds. Got it?" "Uh, yeah..." Riku said, looking confused. "Yosh! Bring it on!" Asuma exclaimed competitively. "Yeah! I'll take it right past you!" Riku exclaimed, still sounding slightly confused at his friend's outburst but went along with it, getting pumped for the competition.

-With Bantaro & Hozumi-

"Sup, Hozumi!" Bantaro exclaimed, the first thing he said once he saw Hozumi, raising his hand. "O-Oh, hi..." Hozumi stuttered in surprise at Bantaro's outburst, but greeted him back with a raise of his hand as well. "The sun is so bright, it's summer-like out here! Aren't you hot in those jerseys?" Bantaro asked Hozumi while blocking his eyes from the sun. expressing that it was hot. Hozumi looked down to compare at their jerseys. Bantaro was wearing their sponsor's jersey while Hozumi was wearing their school's jersey. "Y-Yeah, but those are the rules of this sport. Saisei's jerseys are pretty cool, huh?" Hozumi said a little upset. "I know right?! Oh, just call me Ban-chan!" Bantaro exclaimed in agreement, ignoring Hozumi's tone completely. "Ban. -chan. I like how excited you are." Hozumi commented.

Bantaro looked at Hozumi and realised something, making him stared intensely at Hozumi. He moved his face closer to Hozumi and continued to stare, making Hozumi uncomfortable. "Hey, Hozumi, do you have like, a sister who models or something..?" He asked. Hozumi jumped in surprise and shouted, " No! No, I don't! I totally don't!"

-With Heath & Tasuku-

Tasuku was just staring at Heath and when Heath noticed it, he turned his head to face him. "What are you staring at?" Heath asked. "I don't like you." Tasuku said bluntly, glaring at Heath. Heath narrowed his eyes and said, "You want a fight?" Tasuku merely scoffed at the statement and replied, "Hah. Reiji-san must win. Therefore, I must beat you. End of story."

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