Flaring nostrils

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Robert was standing in front of a mirror, looking up and down his naked body. He yawned, for he had been standing there for three hours. After he finished yawning he looked back into the mirror, and that's when he noticed the lump on his face.
It was very smooth and round, and went down from in between his eyebrows. It ended with two holes filled with sticky and squishy goo. His beautiful, beautiful nose.
He began stroking his nose softly. "How do you like that?" He moaned in between strokes.
That's when he remembered the yawn. The way his long tongue curled back, almost slithering down his throat. It could definitely reach his nose. He continued stroking it, but soon his tongue slithered up the left nostril slowly. The nose flared in reaction, not expecting the soft and wet object.
The tongue explored the depths curiously. It went around each lump and crevice. It tasted the golden goodies with a grin. He felt like he was going to sneeze, so he slipped his tongue out and pressed it up against the roof of his mouth. "No, not yet."
He stopped rubbing the nose and walked into the kitchen.
As he walked, his 319 inch yogurt slinger swung like am elephant's trunk. He reached into the fridge and pulled out a pickle. He ran over to the cabinet under the sink, and reached in to grab the pickle flavored lube. "You'll love this," he said in a seductive voice to his nose.
He ran into his bedroom and began licking the nostril again. With his free hand, he angled the cold pickle at his nose and thrust it in hard. The nose stretched to an incredible length, feeling like it would pop. It absorbed the pickle flavored lube quickly, making it even harder to thrust it in and out.
After enough thrusts, the nose had reached its high. "I'm gonna-I'm," Robert tried to stifle out, "ACHOO!"
And with that, he sneezed all over his bed. He fell back onto the bed and left the pickle on the side. He'd clean up in the morning. For now though, he knew had to rest. He had an exam tomorrow, and he couldn't mess it up.

Emo Dog:
im going to hell

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2016 ⏰

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