Through the Trapdoor

Start from the beginning

"And did he - did he seem interested in Fluffy?" Harry asked sounding as if he was trying to be calm .

"Well - yeah - how many three-headed dogs d'yeh meet, even around Hogwarts? So I told him, Fluffy's a piece o' cake if yeh know how to calm him down, jus' play him a bit o' music an' he'll go strait off ter sleep-" Hagrid suddenly looked horrified. "I shouldn'ta told yeh that! Forget I said it! Hey - where're yeh goin'?"

We didn't speak to each other at all until we came to a halt in the Entrance Hall.

"We've got to go to Dumbledore," Harry said. "Hagrid told that stranger how to get past Fluffy, and it was either Snape or Voldemort under that cloak - it must've been easy, once he'd got Hagrid drunk. I just hope Dumbledore believes us. Firenze might back us up if Bane doesn't stop him. Where's Dumbledore's office?"

We looked around as if hoping a sighn would pop out and point us where to go. We never had been told where Dumbledore lived.

"We'll just have to-" Harry began but a voice rang across the hall.

"What are you four doing inside?" It was professor McGonagall carrying a large pile of books.

"We want to see Dumbledore," Hermione said bravely.

"See Professor Dumbledore?" She repeated. "Why?"

"It's sort of a secret," I wish Harry didn't say that cause McGonagall's nostrils flared. And boy. . . It was scary.

"Professor Dumbledore left ten minutes ago," she said coldly. "He received an urgent owl from the Ministry of Magic and flew off for London at once."

"He's gone!" Harry said frantically. "Now!"

"Professor Dumbledore is a very great wizard, Potter, he has many demands on his time-"

"But this is important."

"Something you have to say that is more important than the Ministry of Magic, Potter?"

"Look, Professor - it's about the Sorcerer's Stone-"

Whatever Professor McGonagall thought Harry was going to say obviously wasn't that, because all her books fell out of her hand and she didn't pick them up. . . Ha! Dramatic much.

"How do you know-?"

"Professor I think - I know - that Sn - that someone's going to steal the Stone. I've got to talk to Professor Dumbledore."

"Professor Dumbledore will be back tomorrow, I don't know how you found out about the Stone, but rest assured, no one can possibly steal it, it's too well protected."

"But professor-"

"Potter, I know what I'm talking about," she bent down and picked up her fallen books. "I suggest you all go back outside and enjoy the sunshine."

But we didn't.

"It's tonight," Harry said, once McGonagall was out of earshot. "Snape's going through the trapdoor tonight. He's found out everything he needs, and now he's got Dumbledore out of the way. He sent that note, I bet the Ministry of Magic will get a real shock when Dumbledore turns up."

"But what can we-" I gasped before I could finish. Harry Hermione, and Ron wheeled around. Snape was standing there.

"Good afternoon," he said smoothly. We all stared at him.

"You shouldn't be inside on a day like this," he said with an odd twisted smile.

"We were -"Harry began, but I could tell he had no clue in what to say.

Pennelope and the Trapdoor (Harry Potter love story) book 1Where stories live. Discover now