Chapter 9: Brittany's thoughts

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Damn it, damn it! Curse this freaking mouth of mine! I hurried upstairs after Jalin who was wandering around, and I practically fainted at the sight of him. He must've been working out like crazy to have muscles like his, and I couldn't believe he had come home with me.

"Maybe I will make an exception," I offered, trying to not look as depressed as I was, "If you're lucky."

"I thought you were the noncommittal type?" He asked with a teasing smile, "I wouldn't want to ruin all the dates you have lined up tomorrow."

"I lied about that!" I blurted, "The only guy that's been here is you."

Any ego and pride I had built for myself had been depleted in that moment, and I knew he had the upper hand now.

"Man," He sighed, "I was hoping I could tease you a little more."

"Jalin!" I complained, "You were just teasing me this whole time?"

"I can't help it," He replied lifting my chin, "You were just so cute."

"I'll get you back for this."

"I'm sorry Brittany," He replied leaning closer, "Let me make it up to you."

I was expecting some small little present hidden in his coat, or a prank to unfold that he had been plotting all along, but instead I received what I assume will be the best kiss of my entire life, and I would only ever be able to experience it with Jalin.

I was leaping up into his arms and wrapping my legs around his waist before I could control my impulses for him, and we both bursted into my room that was flooded in training equipment. Jalin lay me down softly onto my silky sheets which was the only place that wasn't completely cluttered, and he climbed on top of me without breaking contact with my lips.

"Wait-" he paused before he completely removed my bulletproof vest, "I shouldn't be doing this."

"What are you talking about?" I asked quietly.

Is it because he didn't want to see me naked?

"Brittany, you're an officer. If we do this you will definitely get fired, or worse you will lose your badge."

"Jalin, I'm not going to lose my badge," I soothed lightly touching his cheek, "I would never let that happen. Also, you are not a bad guy from what I can see. Right?"

Jalin smirked defiantly, and I wondered what secrets he could have been hiding from me.

"Brittany," He started again, "I think you should reconsider dating Mike. He seems like he's serious about you, and he can give you security."

Whoa, it's too late to back out on me now cowboy.

"I'm not laying here throwing myself at Mike," I corrected, "I want to do this with you Jalin, are you intimidated by me now or something?"

"No Brittany, I'm not intimidated," He laughed wholeheartedly, "I just can't do something like this to you. I can tell you're not the type who's looking for a guy like me. You want a family in the end, right?"

"Jalin, I don't remember ever telling you about my personal goals and interests," I replied grabbing his unbuttoned shirt and pulling his lips closer to mine, "Now kiss me before the mood is gone."

Jalin cracked a smile and leaned in to kiss me, drowning me in the taste of mint. This time I was quick to undress him, and the sight of him hovering above me was almost too much for my heart to take.

"You're shaking," Jalin laughed as I touched his chest with trembling fingers, "Are you sure about this?"

He was too breathtaking to not be nervous around, but we had gone too far for me to start panicking now.

"It must be cold in here," I lied.

"Should I warm you up?" He asked grinning.

"How do you plan to do that?" I asked stupidly.

"With a more effective form of kissing," He replied, "You're going to love it."

I'm just that kind of guyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz