Another World 1.2

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****In the girls' changing room, a few months later****

"Hey, Emily!" one of the girls said. I looked at her. "Are you still together with Louis?" she asked. I noticed that all the girls were staring at me. "Yes," I answered. "Yes, I am".

"Me and the girls were thinking about something, but there was one thing we couldn't figure out, so we thought it would be better to just ask you," she said and looked like she was going to attack me with all her brand-clothes and bags and fake lips.

"And what was that?" I asked gently.

"Do you have any idea what he sees in you? I mean, with his look, he could get every girl he wants.  So why did he choose you and not me? I know that he has a secret crush on me anyway."

I raised my eyebrows and looked at her as if she was the biggest idiot on earth. No, not as if she was the biggest idiot. BECAUSE she was the biggest idiot on earth. I knew that she was the one with a crush on him, since she always liked and commented his stuff on Facebook, she always wanted to help him, like carrying his stuff to his locker. Every morning when we came to school, always together, she came running and shouted "HI LOUIS!!!!" Her crush on him was also the reason to her hate against me.

"I bet that he just did it to be nice, haha!" another girl said. All of the girls laughed. 

"So, can I have an answer, then?" the first girl said, whose name was Katie.

"Go and ask him!....." I said. She didn't say anything, just started to walk back to her things. ....."if you dare"... I said pretty quiet, but enough loud for her to hear me. She turned  around.

"Excuse me?" she said.

"Apologie accepted," I said. I noticed that some of the girls grinned at my joke.

"What did you just say to me?" Katie said.

"I said that if you wonder why Louis is in love with me, you should ask him. But only if you dare," I said loudly. For the first time during the little conversation, I saw real sadness in her brown eyes. It was when I said the words "Louis is in love with me". The sadness quickly disappeared to be replaced by anger when she heard  that I doubted the fact that she would dare to ask him. Katie tried to say something but I was already on my way out of the changing room. I wasn't afraid of her! Louis was MY boyfriend, and i knew that he was just as disgusted of Katie as I was...

I went to my locker, where he already waited.

"Hi honey!" he said with a smile. "That was a very hard half-hour of my life!" he grinned and kissed my cheek. "I've missed you", he said and kissed my cheek once again. I laughed.

Later that day, we were at Louis' place and studied. I put down my pencil and closed my book. I just sat there and watched his beautiful hands moving and making small beautiful letters on his paper. Louis noticed it after a few seconds. He immediately dropped his pencil, grabbed my chin, and looked deeply in my eyes, that were full of tears....

"What's wrong, love?" he asked with a worried face expression.

"Remember that half-hour, after P.E.?" I asked.

"Yes?" he answered.

"I really missed you. I know that it was just half an hour, but I missed you so it hurt..."

"Oh, honey, what happened?" he said. I didn't answer. "Emily, it's really important that you're telling me what has happened. Just tell me if someone said something mean to you, and that person will never say anything like that to you again!" I told him about the changing room, Katie, and what she said. His eyes got all red when I told him what she had said. When I told him that one of the girls said that he just was with me to be nice, a tear streamed down his cheek. He quickly wiped it away. His eyes, that first were blue, then red, turned black. 

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