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I stayed downstairs for most of the night. I don't honestly know what I was doing, just thinking, honestly. I don't know what about, just thinking. Thinking about when the press'll find out, if they find out. No matter what happens in our lives, the world's gotta know. All the scandals, they're gonna turn our lives into a freak show. (yes Scandal references bc I love that song ok)

I looked at the time. It was half past nine in the morning. Roger might wake up soon. I decided to make him some breakfast and leave him a note. I thought I should leave him a note quoting the end of Drowse, in hope that he might recognize the words, hoping that he didn't just subconsciously remember the words.

"Waves of alternatives wash at my sleepiness, have my eggs poached for breakfast, I guess"

I thought Roger would be fine by himself until he woke up. If he doesn't recognize Drowse, I don't want him to be pressured into remembering and I don't want him to think I'm doing that. Nothing bad could happen... right??

John's POV

I decided to stop over and Roger's house until he woke up.

Oh hey look food


Roger's POV

I don't know how I'm supposed to feel after waking up like this, but something felt missing. Brian. He left?? I picked up the phone and decided to ca- wait, I don't know his number. Having amnesia really sucks.

I went downstairs and saw John which highly confused me. "John?"

"Oh, hi, Roger. I just thought I'd check on you. You doing alright?"

"Um..." I replied. What am I supposed to say? I'm not really doing alright, but I'm not doing bad... How am I supposed to feel when I can barely remember anything?

"Uh, I mean, do you feel alright?"

"Yeah, I guess... if you consider barely being able to remember anything as 'alright'... Um, do you know where Brian is?"

"No, I don't, but I'd guess he's at his flat, why?"

"Well, I asked him if he could stay over last night and I woke up and he wasn't there. I was gonna call him, but..."

"Oh, I didn't know. He wasn't here when I got here. Odd, it's not like Brian to do something like that."

Then there was a knock at the door. Opening the door, it was Freddie and Brian. "Hello, Roger, darling, how are you?"


"Did you see the note I left you?" Brian asked.

"What note?"

"Next to the eggs, did you see it?"

"What eggs?"

"Oh, I ate that." John said. Brian gave John a look that could kill. "Was I not supposed to?"

Brian took a deep breath and buried his face in his hands. "Did you not think it was there for a reason? Did you not see the note?"

"Oh, I didn't notice it."

"Oh my God."

"What did the note say?" I asked.

"Um, nothing, just some song lyrics."

"Then why is it so important?"

"Well, um," he paused. "They were some lyrics you wrote, and I was hoping you'd recognize them."

"Roger, I'll make some breakfast for you." Freddie offered. He walked over to the refrigerator and grabbed some eggs. His eyes lit up a little as if he thought of something. "Rog, darling, how do you boil an egg?"

Oh my God- I know I've heard that somewhere. But... where???

Freddie's POV

Just the look on his face meant that something had to have gone off in his mind. He looked confused and shocked, but at the same time, he looked like he knew what that meant.

"Doesn't it have something to do with hot water??"

Brian's POV

He remembered it. I know he did. Just that look on his face meant that he recognized where that was from.

"Yes, Roger, yes it does." Freddie said with a smile.

I almost cried writing this is that a vain thing

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