Powerfull Currents

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Copyright (C)  2011 ScarWinters

Copyright Issued On All Chapters

P.S: THE PIC TO THE RIGHT IS OF GABRIEL ; D sorry if it's a bit blurry it would'nt upload properly


She lunged forward as a deep bright orange/red fire shot out of her hand the wind  blowing

furiously blowing her clothes and hair around, her opponent jerked forward through  her

blast of bright icy blue fire at hr she through her foot up and kicked it back ,

it hit the women and she through another blue burst at her this time she dodged it by letting her fire explode

Iyara was pissed that this blue witch thought she could take her town, her parents were looking at the

fight in anger.trust Iyara to pick a fight which could lead to danger,but hey she was 17 she

needed to live a little and she loved her fights: the adrenaline and the fact that you toke down yet another idiot was amazing

doing a back-flip Iyara decided to finish this with a final blow to the women's chest and a knee kick to the abdomen.cracking her knuckles

she let out a breath and sighed fixing her top which had ridden down to expose her bra and said to the people she called family

"well that was shorter than expected eh guys?" she then left them gawking and skipped inside and fell face first into her blue duvet

and fell into a deep slumber,just kidding as if it was ...............only 11 o'clock in the morning so she decided to blast her speakers with her song...

YEAH her song she had a record deal back home in England but broke it when her parents said they would be moving to South Dakota now she thought it would be a big town with shopping centers and lots and lots of people.........Guess what she was wrong instead it was a small town

 where EVERYONE KNEW EACH OTHER.which meant news spread pretty fast that there were knew people moving in to town. Fucking Amazing huh. the fact that everyone knows you as the new girl who shoots FIRE  from her hands- hahaha just perfect ( note the sarcasm) .


Hey Guys - So this is my first story i hope you all like it  and plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Comment and vote thanks and i appreciate everyone how will vote and fan - and comments but plz no hate that just annoys me you don't like then don't like.

Love ya : D

Powerfull CurrentsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant